Creme e frosting

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Crema pasticciera bianca
Crema pasticciera bianca
81K views · 6.7K reactions | Crema spalmabile golosa, cremosa, leggera e con soli 3 ingredienti 🤤🤤🤤 📌Salva e preparala anche tu! … 👉🏻100 gr di Cacao Amaro 👉🏻180 gr di Acqua a temperatura ambiente 👉🏻2 cucchiai di Miele o di sciroppo d’Agave … Frulla insieme tutti gli ingredienti per qualche minuto. 👉🏻Puoi aggiungere granella di mandorle, nocciole, cocco rapè o biscotti al cacao sbriciolati per un effetto PAN DI STELLE 💫 🌟 ⭐️ 👉🏻Conserva in frigo in un barattolo ermetico. 😋😋😋 . #cremaspalmabile #cacao #cioccolato #senzaglutine #celiachia #nutella #dolcisenzaglutine #dolcilight #ricettelight #ricettefit #ricettefacili #ricettesane #colazionesana #ricettevegane #ricettesenzaglutine | Sonia Paladini - Content Creator - Food & Lifestyle
A Must-Try White Chocolate Frosting Recipe
Use this delicious easy White Chocolate Frosting for cakes, cupcakes, and more, to elevate them to new heights. It's rich and creamy, full of flavor, and perfectly balanced.
21K views · 346 reactions | cake decoration | Learn how to make butter ganache 👌 | By Bolly Kay | Facebook
1.4M views · 24K reactions | 🥛CREMA FIOR DI LATTE SENZA UOVA Crema di latte Ricetta inedita ideale per farciture e decorazioni. Gli ingredienti escono durante la lavorazione. | By Simone Esposito pasticciere | Facebook
2.5M views · 33K reactions | Crema pasticcera trasparente | COME SI FA LA CREMA TRASPARENTE? ECCO UN ESEMPIO DI CREMA SENZA LATTE. LUCIDA TRASPARENTE CHE VEDETE ANCHE NELLE VETRINE DEI DOLCI NAPOLETANI. Sentite... | By Simone Esposito pasticciere | How do you make a custard so smooth shiny and silky and that keeps the hedgehog like we say in Naples the hedgehog on the wedge of Saint Joseph on other sweets such as the Neapolitan Santa Rosa and other Neapolitan sweets. Look in the recipe and in the video why it comes out so shiny and transparent. Welcome to my bakery nook. Today we’re making the Neapolitan cream, that transparent one that can be seen on Babas or other works like wedges etc etc. etc. that transparent one. Many people have asked me Simone but how do you make that transparent cream that I see in the windows? It's a cream without milk. With nothing but water. Obviously an ideal cream even for lactose allergies. Let's make custard. I do it over the fire in a pot. So in a little pot we put the sugar then in a little pot overturned flame obviously the sugar, starch and eh the egg yolks and we turn Always getting some sort of eh pretty flourish compound. Here, instead of milk, we put water. It's also cheaper as cream but it's not the problem of whether it's cheap or not because then half a liter of milk costs nothing. The fact that many people don’t know that you can make even just water. So we add little water at a time initially very little to make the dough right initially. You can also use boiling water if you like. Save we say after eh cook some more on the fire. I added it cold in truth. Let's start making this batter then we can start putting all the water in. Obtained a dense pastry and yes not with lumps, we can insert the rest of the water and then at the end I insert all the remaining water. Done that we can cook on the fire. In that case there are lumps inside you can blend with a mini pimer to remove all the lumps as I show you in other videos. I put it in Rome to show you its transparency. Always turning at low flame at the bottom it starts to thicken we always talk about medium-low flame and voila it’s ready. Look how amazing she shines. The cream is ready we put it in a cooling container we put in a container preferably if it is cold it is better and let it cool completely before checking its density. When it's still hot before the complete cooling we put vanilla powder or even vanilla berry if you want to buy it that costs a lot even vanilla we say natural powder exists and add a pinch of salt. Because a pinch of salt. Do you taste the saltless custard. Then insert a pinch of salt into the cream and taste again. You will see the huge difference. It tastes more intense. Obviously salt is a flavor enhancer. So the cream will definitely be better. The cream is really cold. Let's do the sac test in a few. So let's check the bag à poche if it's ok to make a hedgehog on a wedge or a baba or any Neapolitan dessert. Look what a show it's perfectly maintained. Let's do another kind of curl this way. Long in such a way that you can see even if it stays this way, not at the height. Guys, a really neat and compact show. Well, did you see how easy it is to make this transparent and shiny cream? In verità? Cream eh let's say it gave me a memory a person who follows me on YouTube ehm his profile is written Mark Red but I don't know his real name so I thought of this spectacular recipe that I have presented to you. Hope you guys enjoyed this video. see u on the next recipe. Hello.
30K views · 6.7K reactions | כבר יותר מחודש שאנחנו בבהלת השמנת המתוקה: והאמת שגם אני התאיישתי מלחפש… אז עשיתי אתמול ניסוי קטן והתוצאה ממש מפתיעה! אחרי הסטורי שהעליתי אתמול ידעתי שאין יותר מידי ברירה אז צילמתי סרטון עם אופן הכנה: מה צריך: 250 מל חלב 3% 100 גרם חמאה 25 גרם סוכר לבן 25 סוכר וניל ( או 50 גרם סוכר לבן) אופן ההכנה: 1. מרתיחים חלב וסוכר 2. לבינתיים נחתוך את החמאה לקוביות ונשים בכלי ארוך וצר. 3. ברגע שהחלב רתח נמזוג אותו לכלי ונטחן בעזרת בלנדר מוט עד לאיחוד. 4. לבסוף נעביר את השמנת לצנצנת ונקרר לפחות 6 שעות לפני השימוש. ( יוצא 325 מ״ל שמנת) לקצפת וניל נמזוג את את השמנת שקיבלנו לקערת מיקסר נוסיף 2 כפות אינסטנט פודינג ונקציף במהירות בינונית עד לקבלת קרם יציב! ועכשיו נשאר רק לקוות שתמיד יהיה בסופר שמנת מתוקה😍 בהצלחה! #shikkiss #נפלאותהקרםחמאה #שמנת #מתכונים #שמנתמתוקה #whippingcream #זילופים#קצפת#cakepiping | Shikma Shitrit