
28 Pins
High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Yogurt Cups
High protein peanut butter cup yogurt cups with chocolate magic shell ❤️ I can’t get enough of these! RECIPE: Mix 1 tablespoon peanut butter (or another nut/seed butter) into a vanilla yogurt cup, top with 1-2 tablespoons melted dark chocolate, chopped peanuts, and a little sea salt, and freeze for 10 minutes to harden the chocolate. crack into it with a spoon and FALL IN LOVE 😍
Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies with Premier Protein®
Regular no-bake cookies have lots of carbs and sugar. Not with this recipe! Try these Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies made with @PremierProtein! They are easy to make with protein for a sweet and satisfying treat! #wls #bariatricsurgery #weightlosssurgery #rny #gastricbypass #vsg #verticalsleeve #ds #duodenalswitch #lapband #weightlosstips #weightloss #protein #premierprotein #premierproteinrecipe #nobakecookies #obesity #recipe #recipes #cookierecipe