Interesting Houses

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Cliff May: Trenchard house (La Jolla, Calif.)
In this early hacienda style version of the ranch house, Cliff May creates privacy with a patio that is surrounded by the house and garage on three sides, with a walled-off fourth side, as well as a gated motor court. Each room in the house opens onto the inner courtyard, and the property is shown in the rendering facing out towards the Pacific Ocean. The living room is off-set and protrudes from the corner of the house to take advantage of the view in three directions.
1. Discovering a Cliff May Home
Discovering an 'Unknown' Cliff May Home in San Diego: 1. Discovering a Cliff May Home
Cabin plan book : Woodbeck Publishing Co. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Cliff May: Trenchard house (La Jolla, Calif.)