DnD pets

93 Pins
Moss Walker – Tiny elemental, neutral
“…but it walks the moss, right? moss walker!“ – none of his assistants could have known whether the Professor mumbled to himself or intended his brilliant idea to be officially put on record. Candle-Care was just as drained as everyone around him, filled with the creeping darkness intrusively closing in. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndart #dndhomebrew #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #ttrpg #creature #monster #criticalrole
Pebblet – Tiny elemental, unaligned
A pebblet is occasionally found up to three miles away from recently erupted volcanoes. It is still discussed whether it is an actual creature, some kind of magical object or maybe an egg of a much larger specimen. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndmonsters #dndcreatures #dndart #dndhomebrew #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #ttrpg #fantasycreature #criticalrole
Twistycat – Tiny fiend, chaotic evil