
22 Pins
Welcome back Elf on the Shelf-Hang elf from the ceiling in front of the door and have someone ring the doorbell for it. The child will be so surprised!
Lola...relax-olah. Lola returns from her long stay at the North Pole...to relax in the tub, with bubbles, of course! Slippers ✔towels ✔ journal for the kids ✔ pencils and erasers ✔ Mints ✔ Welcome back Lola. Uploaded to The Golfi Team Elf on the Shelf Contest by Venette G.
With a welcome back note to ask him how good he plan on being this season & to bring some of his toys to a donation center to help other kids.
Day:1 Welcome back Quindle. (our elf on the shelf)<3
Welcome Consumer Crafts
Start the holiday season right and welcome your Elf on the Shelf back home with these 15 special entrances that your kids will be talking about for weeks.