Prayer Methods

Prayer can be overwhelming sometimes. Here are some practical examples and methods of prayer
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What Kids' Prayers Can Teach Us
This tradition makes the bedtime routine long, but it is also very rewarding having this one-on-one time with them after being gone at work all day. #prayers #godcaresforyou #parenting
Prayer Coach - prayer coach
God formed us for His pleasure... He meant for us to see Him and live with Him and draw our life from His smile. #prayerquotes #tozer #godisgood
God Always Initiates - prayer coach
God is always initiating with us because He is always in love with us. He uses everything. Let us sit back and listen to how He will draw us.
5 Lovely Examples That Our God is Playful - We Have a Fun God
God is playful and wants us to enjoy life. God wants us to know that the life He has for us is better than anything the world can even attempt to offer. . #godadventure #lifeswithgod @lifeisgood #christianlife #christianblogger
Become a Target for the Holy Spirit - prayer coach
The Holy Spirit is attracted to people who glorify Jesus. Let the things that motivated Jesus, motivate you and you will always be filled with the Spirit.
50 Free Christian Wallpapers - prayer coach
Live the adventure with God. Go where your best prayers take you. #walkwithgod #lifeisgood #christianquotes
Fear is a Powerful Motivator - prayer coach
Fear may bring quick results, but it will always leave a foothold for the enemy. God motivates us with love. He wants us to experience every good thing. #fear #peace #love
50 Great Prayer Blogs
Want to grow in prayer? Explore these best prayer blogs, and begin to pick up tips and useful habits for leading an unceasing prayer life.
10 Powerful Abortion Issue Prayers That Release Life - prayer coach
The abortion issue can feel overwhelming. Use this list to pray life and find hope. #abortion #pro-life #prayers
1 Simple Way to Position Yourself to Hear God Speak to You
God oftentimes is waiting for us to see if we are interested before speaking. Are we pulling away from our daily activities enough to listen to God speak?
Incredible Tool for Discovering How God Made You - prayer coach
Awaken your heart by discovering how God made you. Make this coming year amazing by partnering with God and engaging in what He has put in you. #GodsWill #destny
Where Walking on Water Seems Possible
God's word enriches our faith to believe God for what we could have never imagined. #wordofgod #prayers
How to Restore the Joy of Your Salvation - prayer coach
Why was life different now? How do you get back to the “sweet spot” of your walk with God? How do you restore the joy of your salvation? #GodisGod #lifesanadventure #godlyman #godlywoman
Seeking Jesus In Our Circumstances - prayer coach
Pursue God to help give you understanding. It was this kind of pursuit that was rewarded for Mary with a visitation from Jesus. Jesus loves to be pursued.
2 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Follow God
There are two main reasons following God is so hard. If we can overcome these, we will find the abundant life that Jesus promised is not far off. #AbundantLiving #GodisGood #ChristianBlogger