Hope & Faith

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Me chifla esta reflexión de @evavillarbeauty. “Parar un rato cada día. Regalarte un STOP. Como cuando un tren llega con algo de retraso y no te queda más remedio que...
SnapWidget | Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. -Colossians 3:23 ❤️#sundayscripture
We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
Do not be anxious about anything | Philippians 4:6 | Inspiring bible verses
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Lets TALK The world currently has so much hate. Theres not enough love been shared. So todays quotes is thy shall do what makes thy soul feel good. If your not feeling your job find a new one . Your only wasting your time your companys time. If you want to do some travel go and do some research. Book that flight! If your feeling like your circle of friends are not being true. Step back and refocus. The smaller the circle the better the understanding of one another. Leave the drama behind and ref
Inspiration Quote
Don't give up babe,Your Future is so bright.God is always good.Have a wonderful Wednesday.#staypositive
Me chifla esta reflexión de @evavillarbeauty. “Parar un rato cada día. Regalarte un STOP. Como cuando un tren llega con algo de retraso y no te queda más remedio que...
SnapWidget | Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. -Colossians 3:23 ❤️#sundayscripture
Jesus Daily Quotes #75483 - Jesus Daily Quotes
Jesus daily quotes
Be A Light - Matthew 5 16 | Coloring Canvas - Canvas On Demand | Pics to paint | Pinterest | Canvases, College and Lights https://www.pinterest.com/pin/269653096416693541/sent/?sfo=1&sender=613193442922668687&invite_code=f5deac65aa014a4d957e9415a66d54ce