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Parasitic Plants
Interesting parasitic or hemiparasitic plants. Click here for the Parasitic Plants Flickr Group.
Boschniakia strobilacea
Parasite plant bloomrape (Boschniakia strobilacea) by Native Orchids, via Flickr
Drosera roraimae, Sundew, tepui "B", Canaima National Park, Bolivar, Venezuela
Drosera roraimae, Sundew, tepui "B", Canaima National Park… | Flickr
Joni Niemelä's Macro Photographs Capture Carnivorous Plants' Alien-Like Structures
Nepenthes bicalcarata - Wikipedia
Nepenthes bicalcarata
Parasite plant. That's just creepy!
This odd looking plant is Pinedrops (Pterospora andromedea). These tall, sticky plants have little to no chlorophyll and depend on a parasitic relationship with a mycorrhizal fungus to obtain its food. The spike is about 3 feet tall and is found in woodland areas, primarily in the western half of the continent. They are also seen in the northeast around New England and Quebec. by (bh) Glacier National Park.
Free Plant Identification
Corpse Plant Or Corpse Flower (rafflesia arnoldii): Very rare parasitic plant without roots or leaves and its common name is because the flower smells of rotting flesh to attract pollinating carrion flies. From southeastern Asia, it is considered to be the largest individual flower in the world.