The Summoning

37 Pins
The Witches That Terrified Me as a Kid Are Actually Feminist Heroes
In South Asian folklore, the witch-like churail with her backward feet is actually based on women who died at the hands of their husbands and came back to haunt them.
16 Warnzeichen, die darauf hindeuten, dass du es mit einer bösen Person zu tun hast
DAS BÖSE. Böses kann man zwar definieren, aber man kann es schwer beschreiben. Einfach ausgedrückt: Ein böser Mensch ist jemand,[...]
Here Are Some of the Creepiest Abandoned Prisons We've Ever Seen
There is perhaps nothing more poignant than an abandoned prison. When you see these haunting images, it's hard not to imagine what once went on in these now-crumbling rooms.