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10K views · 456 reactions | The old man got smoked, but butt walking is now an official holiday event. Already training for a rematch! | A Balanced You | A Balanced You · Original audio | Reels
18K views · 419 reactions | The cup stacking game! #fyp #games | Benson Bros | Benson Bros · Original audio
Thanksgiving Dinner Spinner -- Family Game 🦃 | Thanksgiving Dinner Spinner -- Family Game 🦃 Kids, Dad, Mom, and whole family play thanksgiving meal game with festive foods like turkey, corn, pie,... | By Benson Bros | Facebook
250K views · 3K reactions | Nana solves Genius Test! 🤯 | Nana solves Genius Test! 🤯 Give this brain teaser a try with your family and friends. The challenge is simple. Move 3 to point the triangle down... | By Jordan Flom | Kim. Here's a challenge for you. You have to move three Hershey's Kisses to reverse the triangle. So the triangle would be pointing at me. You want to point the triangle at you. Okay. Three moves. One. One. Two. Three. So that's not really a triangle anymore. Yep. So reset it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Try one more time and I'll give you a hint. One. Oh goodness gracious. Two. Oh. Three. Little triangle. Okay. See? Reset it again. Okay. Okay. So again you have to move three of these to reverse the triangle. So point it like this down. Yes. One. Two. Three. It still does not make a triangle. Okay. It puts a little triangle up there. Do you want me to give you a really big hint? Yes. Yes. I thought love one. Okay, reset it. Okay. I will tell you the first one that I would move, okay? Okay. And that dang near gives it away. So, the first one I would move is that one right there. This one. Yes. Okay. It's supposed to point to me. I see your brain's working. Yeah. Okay. I moved that one. I don't see any way it's coming toward me. Pointing at it. Yep. We want to point it that way. Okay, that's not going to work. Okay. And it is it is possible. I'm not just sure. One. Reset that one. Two. I'm still not making a triangle. Fiancey. One, two, three but that doesn't wasn't like a lollipop. Reset it. I'm going to tell you the first two I would move. Okay. So, I would move that one and I would move that one. Okay so. Now you got a triangle and square. So that's two moves. You only have one left. Let me put you up there. And that's three moves and that that's not. That looks like a light bulb or something. Yeah. Okay. Reset it. Okay. Okay. The kicker. I will tell you the final one that you move. Okay and we'll see if you figure it out then. Awesome. So I've already told you. This one. That one? Mm hmm. That one. This one. The third one you'd move is that one. We have a flower. Okay. Kim, you are so close. Okay. You have a flower. You have three of those that you've moved. But how does that make a triangle? Okay. I think I just need to tell you. Do you give up? You want me to show you? Yes please. Okay. I will show you how to do it. So. Okay. I've already told you the first one I would move is this one. Uh huh. Okay. Do you want me to tell you where I'd put it? Yes please. Okay. So it started here. Uh huh. Very simply I would take it and I would go right there. There. Okay. Uh huh. Do you think you figure it out yet? No. Okay. So the next one I told you is I would move this one. This one. Where where would I move that one? If I just move the other one take it. That's two moves. You have one move left to point the triangle. Do the last move. She is going to go here and then it's pointing down this triangle.
138K views · 2.1K reactions | Great idea! #Christmasparty2023 #holidayparty #christmasgiftsideas #ChristmasGames | Al Dente Diva Food & Recipes | Al Dente Diva Food & Recipes · Original audio
3K views · 227 shares | What do you think of this gift exchange idea shared by jaysokk (source TT)? 👉🏻follow @hacktheholidays 👉🏻follow @hacktheholidays 👉🏻follow @hacktheholidays ©All rights and credits are reserved to the respective owner. #christmas #christmasgifts #christmasgift #christmasgiftideas #christmasgiftsideas #christmasgiftidea #giftexchange #christmaspresents #christmaspresent #christmaspresentideas | Seasonal Ideas | DIY Hacks | Home decor Inspiration | hacktheholidays · Original audio
5.7M views · 3.2K shares | Trying out Christmas party games 🎄😂 #christmas #christmasgames #booktok #bookstagram #smut | Stinky Pinkies | stinkypinkieshockey · Original audio
61K views · 366 shares | This may be the most fun I’ve had doing a gift exchange in a really long time. Fast, furious, and so much fun. 🎁🎉⏳ Get all the rules, tips, and more by searching holiday hustle in my bio link or comment HOLIDAY HUSTLE and I’ll DM you the link. #giftexchange #christmasgames #fungames #christmasfun #christmasparty #partygames #gamestoplay | Britni V | Play Party Plan | playpartyplan · Original audio
213K views · 4.7K reactions | Candy Cane Crane Game 🤩 | Candy Cane Crane Game 🤩 Sisters take turns hooking candy canes with rubber bands to land them into prize pots and win prizes #partygames #games #family... | By Rob And Elizabeth | Facebook
213K views · 4.7K reactions | Candy Cane Crane Game 🤩 | Candy Cane Crane Game 🤩 Sisters take turns hooking candy canes with rubber bands to land them into prize pots and win prizes #partygames #games #family... | By Rob And Elizabeth | Facebook
18K views · 419 reactions | The cup stacking game! #fyp #games | Benson Bros | Benson Bros · Original audio
1.2K views · 52 reactions | We are all about the family holiday games that take minimal prep and offer a lot of laughs. This one takes a couple of pieces of wood, two hammers, and nails. I am not promising no one will get hurt! ✨What do you think? 🎥 TT: Photolilly #familyfuntime #friendsgivingdinner #thanksgivinggames #familygamenight #woodandnails #hammerandnails #holidayfuntimes | Seasonal Ideas | DIY Hacks | Home decor Inspiration | hacktheholidays · Original audio
Funny Twister with a Bottle Flip Twist | bottle | Funny Twister with a Bottle Flip Twist | By Getti | Go grandma. Why don't you do it? This one. Alright. Oh good one. Let's see it. What is this one? Oh. Let's see it spin for the color. Which color? Okay. Alright. Any of these four. Your choice. What is it? What is that? A paper? Do it. Get out of here with that thing. Alright, Getti. Time. Oh. Yes. Alright. And underneath one of these it is a brand new phone. Cellphones. Let's see if this is it. Come on. New phone. New phone. Oh. $25, Alright. Flip it. Oh like that. Xander's got it. Ooh that's a fastball. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. And Alright, all the blues are getting cleared out. Let's do it. This one, the closest one. Okay, okay, let's see. Here I go. What you got? Target and Target. Let's see. Alright Mama Bear. Oh nice. Okay nobody's done greens so I'm going to go for are you going to pick a spin? Spin? I don't know. I'm like. Trying to break the rules. Oh, okay, okay. It's fine. Alright, alright. And of course, As I was saying I'm just going to go for I I guess I don't know. That one over there. The far away one here. I'll have you lift that up for me. Right. Ready? Let me see. See what you got. What is it? Oh it's a box. I'll follow up. Should I be nervous? I don't know. I don't trust that guy. He's always putting little boxes. See what you got. Open it up. Take it. I love sweets. I got some Okay. This is it. Oh. This was not. Is he? Come on. Oh. Oh. Lot of power on that one. Alright, Xander. Here we go. Show em how it's done. It's in the line. What is it? It's going to be red. I Oh. It's green. Alright. I need the three left. Middle one right here. Alright. The middle one. Here we go. What's that? Uh oh. Is this a joke? What's in there? Nope. There's something in there. Here it goes buddy. Here we go. Cool. Close. Close. Is it a new cellphone? Let's see if she'll find out. Okay. Red. Red. Nice. One of these does have a brand-new cellphone in it. You just gotta pick the right color and hope it's yours. Yay. Alright, Michael. Let's see it. I want the phone. I want the phone. Come on, Michael. Here we go. Oh. Sweeping up. Alright. To win. Alright C. It counts. All of them. I keep thinking you have to grab a cup. I keep forgetting that. What's wrong with me? Let's see. Here we go. Yellow. Let me have that one there. The flower one. Look at that. Alright, we're going to rinse it up. You ready? Let's see what you got. Let's see. You got it? Yay. Oh, two. Two. You got two gift cards. I like it. Here we go. Come on. Let's go. Big money. Big money. Oh, No cheating. Let's see. Here we go. Nice. Okay. And then your color. Color. Good job mom. Hooray. Oh, that's a wrap. You can have any of the three that are left. What's that? Take it out. Oh. A rubber chicken. Here we go. Whoo. Nice clip. Nice Here we go. Alright, what's your color? Listen. I missed it. Do it again. Just kidding. No. Blue one. Okay. Another Here we go. Alright, let's see your color. Light spin. Oh, maybe that's the cellphone. Let's see. What is it? What is it? Let's see it. $10. $10 is $10. Let's go, grandma. Here you go. Let's go, grandma. Oh, nice. Perfect. Give it a little spin. Alright. See what color you get? Oh. And That one. Good choice. Good choice. Okay. Maybe that's a this is going to be a two partners. Ooh another I had candy in mine. Let's see what you get. Let's see what you got. Is it? Yeah. Let's see what's in there. What's that? Oh. What is that? I don't know. It's a little paper. Pull it out. I know she. I'm telling you. This guy. That's kind of good. Keep it in your car. Yeah. Alright. Nice. From right here. Nice. Alright. Alright. Here we go. What is this? Dude, you got a new car. Go Okay. Alright. Yes. Yes. Alright. Here we go. Come on. Face to side. What is that? What is that? It's yellow. Yellow. Alright. Alright. Again, let's see what it is. Alright, here we go. So what is it? New phone. That is the you're taking the gift. Okay. Open it up. Let's see. Press the button on the side. What? What? What? Oh my gosh. Oh my god. How much you got there? I got 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, Alright, I'll make you a deal since you got that last one. You can have both of these two. Yes. Surprise. Really? Oh. Yes. Alright. Alright. Let's see mom. What do you got? See? Okay. Let's see what she's going for the green. What is that? Oh, it's cat food. Yeah. Last but not the least. Alright, you're right. Treasure chest. Oh. Little treasure chest. Maybe there's like money inside. Let's see. What's in there? Put it here. Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Hey, I got a new car at least. That was fun. Thanks. Everyone's a winner.