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Mysterious in arabic
Beautiful #arabicwords - mysterious ♠️♠️ #arabic #learnarabic #arabiconline #words #beautifulwords
Earlier this week we taught you how to say "How are you?" in different Arabic dialects (if you haven't seen it already be sure to check it out). Now it’s time to learn how to respond! Here’s how to say "I'm well" in five Arabic dialects. 🌍💬 Reminder: If you're female, just add an "a" (ة) to the end! Slide 2: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA): ana bikhayr (أنا بخير) – The standard literary form, used across formal and written contexts. 🌍 Slide 3: Iraqi Arabic: āni zayn/a (آني زين/ة) – Used in Ira...
Earlier this week we taught you how to say "How are you?" in different Arabic dialects (if you haven't seen it already be sure to check it out). Now it’s time to learn how to respond! Here’s how to say "I'm well" in five Arabic dialects. 🌍💬 Reminder: If you're female, just add an "a" (ة) to the end! Slide 2: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA): ana bikhayr (أنا بخير) – The standard literary form, used across formal and written contexts. 🌍 Slide 3: Iraqi Arabic: āni zayn/a (آني زين/ة) – Used in Ira...
Earlier this week we taught you how to say "How are you?" in different Arabic dialects (if you haven't seen it already be sure to check it out). Now it’s time to learn how to respond! Here’s how to say "I'm well" in five Arabic dialects. 🌍💬 Reminder: If you're female, just add an "a" (ة) to the end! Slide 2: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA): ana bikhayr (أنا بخير) – The standard literary form, used across formal and written contexts. 🌍 Slide 3: Iraqi Arabic: āni zayn/a (آني زين/ة) – Used in Ira...