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COVERT SCIENCE- In 2011 this pic was posted online anonymously from Trent, NJ. The posting ran thus: “My BF was taking pics of me when there was a commotion next door & this thing scrambled over the fence & halted, 3ft from him. It was horrible—it had big, bugged-out red eyes, a huge jaw & nasty, yellow lower tusks. It turned & he finally unfroze & snapped a picture before it disappeared. I wish he’d gotten its face! We’d ever seen anything like it.” Has anyone? "Current Covertness-2011-2013"
O 'pato' de Marte - OVNI Hoje!
On Mars Two Duck Like Creatures Found By Curiosity Rover, Video This duck-like creature was discovered in a NASA Curiosity rover photo this week and near the duck we see a cave, which may give it shelter reports Scott C Waring at UFO Sightings Daily. Also we know this creature flies because there is another one in the far distance behind the cave in the sky.