
10 Pins
Healing with Moonstone
Moonstone is one of the most magicals stones! Heal yourself naturally with moonstone. #moonstoneaesthetic #moonstonemeaning #moonstoneproperties #moonstonejewelry #moonstonecrystal #mineralsandcrystals #mineralsandgemstones #mineralsforhealth #gemstonemeanings #gemstonesaesthetics #gemstonesandtheirmeaning #moonstone #gemstonehealing #gemstonehealingjewelry
Heal with labradorite
Labradorite has many physical benefits - grab this crystal to relieve arthritis, boost your metabolism and immune system, ease chest infections and cold/flu symptoms. This crystal is also said to regulate hormones, reduce PMS, ease gout and lower blood pressure. #labradorite #stressrelief #healinggemstones #gemstoneaethetic #labradoriteasethetic #gemstoneproperties #naturalhealing #naturalremedy #labradoritestone #labradoritebenefits #labradoriteuses #labradoriteproperties #negativityprotection
Malachite properties
Malachite is the essence of joy and is known as the "stone of transformation" because it helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. Gives the insight needed for personal growth. #malachitestone #malachite #malachiteaesthetic #gemstoneproperties #gemstonefacts #naturalremedies #healingcrystals #healinggemstones #greenstone #immunesystem #emotionalhealing #relaxingtips #heartchackra #cramppains #naturalgemstones #naturalmalachite