Insulin resistance , PCOS , Hormonal imbalance

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💡 What Is Insulin Resistance (and the best diet)?
What is insulin resistance (and how to reverse it)? What is insulin? What is diabetes? What are the WORST foods to eat? Which is the BEST diet?
The Problem with Optimal Thyroid Lab Tests: Why optimal levels fail
You probably know that it's important that your thyroid lab tests are optimal, right? Well, what you probably didn't know is that this strategy is actually wrong. Chasing for optimal thyroid lab tests can bring problems that not many people are aware of. If you have hypothyroidism, or thyroid disease, then you should be aware of these lab test ranges but you should also understand the bigger picture. Find out where your TSH, free t3, free T4, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies should be here.
How Fertility Herbs, Seeds & Moon Synching Can Boost Your Fertility & Replace Your Fertility Calendar Apps
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