80s Miami Vice

16 Pins
A ogni epoca il suo trucco: gli anni '80!
Altro cheekbones... qui il blush arriva fino alle tempie! Carol Alt è comunque stupenda però!! :D
Olivia Aarnio by Carlos Teixeira
Olivia Aarnio by Carlos Teixeira - May 5th, 2021
80s Makeup Trends That Will Blow You Away
80s Makeup Trends You Need To Differentiate Between | Glaminati.com
80s Makeup Trends That Will Blow You Away
80s Makeup Trends You Need To Differentiate Between | Glaminati.com
80s Makeup Trends That Will Blow You Away
80s Makeup Trends You Need To Try - Glaminati.com
80s Makeup Trends That Will Blow You Away
80s Makeup Trends You Need To Differentiate Between | Glaminati.com