20 Pins
How To Build An Inquiry Wall for Upper Middle School
Creating an inquiry based learning space for middle schoolers with building an inquiry wall. Grab free resources to learn how to create a inquiry learning wall in the classroom to provoke ideas and curiosity in your learners.
How to Use the Community as a Resource in Project-Based Learning
This blog post offers 12 strategies for using the community as a resource for project-based learning. One of the main distinctions between project-based learning and any other teaching approach is community immersion. Use the community for its knowledge, expertise, workspace, connections, and more. Check it out! #projectbasedlearning
5 Tips for Implementing Authentic Project-Based Learning
Have you tried project-based learning in your elementary classroom? A lot of teachers find PBL to be daunting and overwhelming, but it's really just a matter of integrating project based learning into the other subject areas. A veteran project-based learning educator wrote a guest post for Minds in Bloom with five tips for implementing authentic PBL, so you'll definitely want to click through to read her tips! They include building a toolbox, learning the lingo, and more. #projectbasedlearning