PIVOT Career Accelerator

Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? ✨I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. ⬇️ Apply for my exclusive coaching program ⬇️ PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ interview questions answers ⚡️ interview tips ⚡️ salary negotiation ⚡️ resume tips ⚡️ resume help ⚡️ resume writing ⚡️ career change ⚡️ affirmation quotes ⚡️ attract & manifest your dream job ⬇️ Follow ⬇️ TikTok + IG: @third.thunder
23 Pins
Career change strategy | get recruiters attention using these resume + interview tips
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ interview questions answers :zap: interview tips :zap: salary negotiation :zap: resume tips :zap: resume help :zap: resume writing :zap: career change :zap: affirmation quotes :zap: attract & manifest your drea
Interview tips for career change to get hired fast
Let’s watch our articulation of what we do and better phrase our experiences in our interview answers. This interview tip is how to magnetize recruiters to hire you through your interview answers :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach
Get hired without experience, and without applying - it's possible!!
Want to get hired fast? Stop applying for jobs online. With my secret formula you can get recruiters to knock on your doors. Yeppp, you heard me. Recruiters slide into my DMs all the time. I never apply for jobs. And I help my clients get the same results. Just DM me “dream” on IG @Third.Thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach
Top resume tips
Your resume is not a wikipedia page, it's a sales page!! Tell a story that magnetizes recruiters to hire you #interviewtips #resumetips #resume #careerchange #careertransition :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder
Get Hired Fast - Career Coaching Client
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @thir
Best job search advice for career transition ~ Career Quotes ~ Affirmation quotes ~
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. ⬇ Apply to my exclusive coaching program ⬇ PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #careertransition #jobchange #resumetips #interviewtips ⬇ Follow ⬇ TikTok + IG: @third.thunde
career change advice
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ interview questions answers :zap: interview tips :zap: salary negotiation :zap: resume tips :zap: resume help :zap: resume writing :zap: career change :zap: affirmation quotes :zap: attract & manifest your drea
get recruiters to chase you - resume tips
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ interview questions answers :zap: interview tips :zap: salary negotiation :zap: resume tips :zap: resume help :zap: resume writing :zap: career change :zap: affirmation quotes :zap: attract & manifest your drea
Resume tips + Interview tips
Looking for a career change? Tired of applying everywhere and getting nowhere? :sparkles:I got you. Let's blow up your career prospects and get you hired fast. :arrow_down: Apply to my exclusive coaching program :arrow_down: PIVOT Career Accelerator https://thirdthunder.com/pivot/ interview questions answers :zap: interview tips :zap: salary negotiation :zap: resume tips :zap: resume help :zap: resume writing :zap: career change :zap: affirmation quotes :zap: attract & manifest your drea
how to get more job interviews
Let me guess, you spent hours crafting your resume and following resume tips. Now you've got what you consider the best performing resume but you're not getting interview calls... Or you're going to interviewing and never hearing back or getting a job offer this is for you... interview questions answers :zap: interview tips :zap: salary negotiation :zap: resume tips :zap: resume help :zap: resume writing :zap: career change :zap: affirmation quotes :zap: attract & manifest your dream jo
Get hired fast like my clients who changed her career :smiling_face_with_3_hearts::heartpulse:
Want to get hired fast? Stop applying for jobs online. With my secret formula you can get recruiters to knock on your doors. Yeppp, you heard me. Recruiters slide into my DMs all the time. I never apply for jobs. And I help my clients get the same results. Just DM me “dream” on IG @Third.Thunder Follow for resume tips - interview tips - top interview questions and answers - career change advice
Interview answer for tell me about yourself
Let’s watch our articulation of what we do and better phrase our experiences in our interview answers. This interview tip is how to magnetize recruiters to hire you through your interview answers :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach
Interview answers - interview tips
Are you getting into many interviews and not hearing back? I say this with love: you need to work on your interview answers, because they're costing you your dream career transition. This is how to magnetize recruiters to hire you through your interview answers :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach
Interview tips
Are you getting into many interviews and not hearing back? I say this with love: you need to work on your interview answers, because they're costing you your dream career transition. This is how to magnetize recruiters to hire you through your interview answers :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach
Interview tips for career transitions
Are you getting into many interviews and not hearing back? I say this with love: you need to work on your interview answers, because they're costing you your dream career transition. This is how to magnetize recruiters to hire you through your interview answers :arrow_down: Follow :arrow_down: TikTok + IG: @third.thunder #thirdthunder #careerchange #careeradvice #resumetips #interviewquestionsandanswers #interviewtips #affirmations #careertransition #resume #interview #careercoach