ptng project 2

1. a still life that should refer to a material object that leads us on a journey. You will identify and will metaphorically evoke a painterly response to this object and what it means to you and for the viewer. 2. a part of your physical self: a head, a hand or a foot, or some physical form of your body (the corporeal). I want a disruption of one body part over the over, a hand covering face a bit, a grimace and then a rotting piece of fruit, an apple cuz symbolism
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Harmony in Chaos
Canvas Palette Brush Easel Sculpture Clay Pottery Ceramics Watercolor Acrylic Oil paint Abstract Realism Impressionism Cubism Surrealism Portrait Landscape Still life Sculptor Painter Drawing Sketch Composition Perspective Mixed media Artistic medium Artisan Art gallery Art exhibition Art collector Art critic Art history Art movement Aesthetics Visual arts