
164 Pins
Back to School- Teaching Procedures PowerPoint First Week EDITABLE (Blue Green)
The Back-to-School resource you must have for effectively teaching classroom procedures! Perfect for the first day of school or beginning of the year!"Questions About This Class You Didn't Know You Had"Strong, well-taught and assessed procedures are key to a smooth year. Students need them as much ...
First Day of School Investigate the Teacher Activity - Engaging - Print/Digital
Engage your students with this unique first day of school activity where students "investigate" the teacher and make inferences based on what they observe in the classroom. This kinesthetic activity is the perfect way to mix things up on Day 1 and set the tone for an engaging, student-centered year.
Easy First Week of School Activities for Middle School
Teach routines and build culture using these fun activities for your middle school classroom. Engage your students and have fun the first week of school. | #middleschool #classroommanagement #backtoschool
Class Rules & Expectations for Middle & High School: B&W Stripes w/ Washi
Fun set of classroom rules posters appropriate for middle school and high school classes. Hashtags on each poster help the kids relate the rules to their favorite thing - social media. Posters have black and white stripes in the background with a small piece of "washi tape" at the top.Included in the package is a printable PDF file with all of the rules size 11 x 8.5.Rules:1. Be on time, prepared, on task, and ready to learn every day.2. Be responsible for your own learning and actions.3. Keep a
Retake, Redo, or Revision Request- Application for Retake, Redo or Revise
Classroom form used for students to "apply" for a retake, revision, or redo. Supports Wormelli's ideas of accountability and "relearning" before retaking an assessment or redoing and assignment.
Set Student Expectations for Your 1 to 1 Classroom with Google Chromebooks using this Free Poster - Classroom Freebies
First Day Script in an Editable PowerPoint Black and White Version
First Day Script in an Editable PowerPoint... by Hayley Cain - Activity After Math | Teachers Pay Teachers
Goal-Setting Unit & Posters: Curing “Procrastinitis” and Student Diseases
Goal-Setting Unit & Posters: Curing “Procrastinitis” and S
Nontraditional Syllabus Template #4 (GOOGLE DRAWINGS!)
Nontraditional Syllabus Template #4 (GOOGLE DRAWINGS!)