The bible says this .......

This board is about learning from the bible. Prayers, wisdom, encouragement, scriptures, and knowledge coming from the word of God
184 Pins
What does the bible say about gratitude?
Learn what the bible has to say about cultivating gratitude. Learn bible verses that talk about gratitude. And examples of gratitude in the bible. #thankfulness #gratefulness #cultivategratitude
Cast Your Cares on the Lord and He will Sustain You
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22 Bible journaling | Devotional | Prayer | Illustrated Faith | Encouragement #Bible #journaling
Will God give me a second chance?
Find out if God will give you a second chance if you make a mistake. #secondchances #godandsecondchances
What does the bible say about gratitude?
Learn what the bible has to say about cultivating gratitude. Learn bible verses that talk about gratitude. And examples of gratitude in the bible. #thankfulness #gratefulness #cultivategratitude
Morning bible verses to begin your day
This article gives you morning bible verses that you can say out loud for a great way to start your day. #greatwaytostartyourday
Will God give me a second chance?
Find out if God will give you a second chance if you make a mistake. #secondchances #godandsecondchances
What does the bible say about gratitude?
Learn what the bible has to say about cultivating gratitude. Learn bible verses that talk about gratitude. And examples of gratitude in the bible. #thankfulness #gratefulness #cultivategratitude
When You're Called to Love Your Enemies - A Loving Christ
How do you love your enemies? It's not easy to be kind when others are unkind to us. Here's how God changed my heart towards someone I had difficulty with. #faith #christian #christianliving #motivation #encouragement #christianity #god #jesus
What God Has to Say About Our Anger (and how to respond to it) — The Better Mom
What God Has to Say About Our Anger (and how to respond to it) — The Better Mom
Lessons learned from the women of the bible
This article will introduce us to some of the most important women in the bible. I pray we will gain new insights into the lives of these fascinating women and see how each of their stories provides a lesson for us to learn. #womenofthebible #lessonslearned #amazingwomenofthebible