What Not to Do

#WhatNotToDo in #StreetDesign, urbanism, urban revitalization, site planning, architecture, landscape, retailing, transportation, housing. An occasional series
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#whatnottodo Don't act surprised when people still cross the street where they need to, if crosswalks are spaced infinitely far apart. #thanksDOT #StreetDesign #dangerousbydesign definitely not #peoplehabitat
What passes for "green space" on Red Road. #whatnottodo We need a #RedRoadcoalition
#WhatNotToDo Cities, developers, don't keep buying storm drains with bike-tired-shaped openings. It's 2017. #epicfail
Hmmm. Where to start? #whatnottodo #stroad #badtrad #thatsnotthedoor #thatsnotaplaza #energycodewindows But there is a bike rack... #probablyLEED
Don't put one of those next to your 1773 cathedral. #whatnottodo
#whatnottodo Where to begin? Don't juxtapose a blank-walled piece of chalet against your mountain backdrop and streetcorner. #sterilizingthepublicrealm
Hmm, somehow, painting a faded sharrow marking on THIS terrifying highway just doesn't do much to inspire one to ride a bicycle... (There is one; look closely.) #whatnottodo
Hmm, somehow, painting a faded sharrow marking on THIS terrifying highway just doesn't do much to inspire one to ride a bicycle... (There is one; look closely.) #whatnottodo
Seriously asking: Aren't we ready yet for Red Road, on the South Miami - Coral Gables border, to be more than a car-only space? Is this the best we can do? #carhabitat #whatnottodo
#whatnottodo Don't go to all the trouble of making a wonderful Riverwalk esplanade and THEN slam a hermetically sealed, blank, flat, dead, reflective glass office building against it. Oh, and don't rent such buildings for city offices #notcivic
2- Two corner buildings, downtown Phoenix. Which habitat supports human life? #whatnottodo #APA16
1- Two corner buildings, downtown Phoenix. Which habitat supports human life? #whatnottodo #APA16
City of Phoenix
No surprise cyclists take sidewalks when streets are still like this. Phoenix has an awesome bikeshare system, but many streets to fix. No wonder motorists seem startled when they see a cyclist. #whatnottodo
Walter Kulash used to joke, "We traffic engineers don't mind if you use our roads, we'd just rather you didn't insist on turning ON and OFF of them all the time." This 'stroad' has a bike lane, for the few cyclists that are willing to ride next to high-speed traffic, but how can they turn left when there are no real intersections? Where is a pedestrian supposed to cross? (The crosswalks are more than half a mile apart.) We need to get out of the Teflon-coated "channelized traffic" mindset.
Some of the folks in the community are "concerned that multistory buildings will disrupt the familiar one-story scale."