
18 Pins
What is a Cladogram?
Students are given a description and an example of a cladogram showing the relationship between lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and birds. They are then walked through the process of creating a cladogram
9.2 What are Algae? | EGEE 439: Alternative Fuels from Biomass Sources
A phylogenetic tree example with different organisms on different branches of a cartoon tree
exercice de style 2
Teaching Evolution
normal_tree_of_lifeGreat blog about teaching evolution. Really clear and well explained.
Critical visualization: a case for rethinking how we visualize risk and security
Ernst Haeckel, General Morpohology of Organisms , 1866. Public domain.
Amisha Gadani
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood phylogram of ray-finned fish relationships based upon UCE sequences
Publicado en Nature: Nuevo árbol filogenético de los artrópodos - La Ciencia de la Mula Francis
How to read a dendrogram
A dendrograms is a way to visually describe the relationships between animals (and other things). The word is from the Greek: dendron = tree, and gramma = drawing. It might be an evolutionary tree,...
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Evolutionary Tree of Elephants