LILOs nails design

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pearlie pressed | blue flower french tips 💙☁️ - what do you think? using @beetlesgelpolish “floral rhapsody” collection - these gels are available through… | Instagram
Match her nails to her car🤌🏻 💅
Showcasing elegant French manicure nails with a unique twist. One nail features a striped red and blue accent, perfectly matching the signature BMW M logo colors seen on the steering wheel
Rubber gel ✨ uña natural •Libre de olores • Livianas • Aspecto natural #rubbergel #gelrubber #uñasnaturales #relieve #softgel #uñassoftgel #estilocoreano #diseño #efectoespejo #relieves #uñasrojas #resnails #uñas #nails #unhas #unhasacrilicas #naturalnails #uñasenguamuchil #uñasacrilicas #acrylicnails #guamuchilnails #joyeria #anillos #jewerly uñas en guamúchil