Susi, as a blind young woman, has grown up with a naive dependence on her older sister Laura. As Laura helps Susi prepare for her first date, we get a glimpse at the distressing, obsession that has actualized in Laura. The film conveys the...See moreSusi, as a blind young woman, has grown up with a naive dependence on her older sister Laura. As Laura helps Susi prepare for her first date, we get a glimpse at the distressing, obsession that has actualized in Laura. The film conveys the complex dynamic and co-dependent relationships between the sisters. Although the older sister, Laura, is not the blind one, she cannot see the true reality, and she insists on inappropriate possessive relationship. 'Like Sugar On the Tip Of My Lips' is about Laura's feeling of lost, and love that comes from pain. Over the course of the story, we also witness younger sister's self inner revolution to freedom and courage. Written by
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