"The Soliloquy" is a contemporary short film adaption of Macbeth. Overlaying the elevated prose of Shakespeare's story of murder and betrayal on to the protagonist's vivid layers of stream of conscious thought, the 8-minute film creates an...See more"The Soliloquy" is a contemporary short film adaption of Macbeth. Overlaying the elevated prose of Shakespeare's story of murder and betrayal on to the protagonist's vivid layers of stream of conscious thought, the 8-minute film creates an immersive experience. Impressionistic cinematography explores the unfolding events in a highly personal and subjective way, all the while being supported by a thrilling score. The symbolic and detailed world of the film tends to be appreciated even more after repeated viewings. It is the result the director's year-long exploration of Macbeth, which included portraying Macbeth on the stage. Written by
Category 3 Pictures
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