The World of Teddy Ruxpin debuted in 1985. Ken Forsse, the man behind the global phenomenon, had created an entirely fantastical universe populated by Illiops, Grunges, Fobs, and many other amazing creatures. The brand spanned talking toys...See moreThe World of Teddy Ruxpin debuted in 1985. Ken Forsse, the man behind the global phenomenon, had created an entirely fantastical universe populated by Illiops, Grunges, Fobs, and many other amazing creatures. The brand spanned talking toys, songs, books, plush dolls, and an animated series, all still beloved to this day. It was the culmination of a journey that began in the 1950s, with stops along the way with the Walt Disney Company and Sid and Marty Krofft. Forsse, who sadly passed away in 2014, lived the American Dream and left behind a legacy kept alive today by his family, his friends, and the company he founded: Alchemy II, Inc. Written by
Billy Tooma
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