Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Salsa"

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Q: ・For Salsa, it’s very important for women to concentrate on men’s lead. At first,those who are good at other dance such as a ballet, aerobics tend not to follow the men’s lead because they can turn around by themselves. I think for salsa, feeling the partner’s tension is one of the most enjoyable things. If those who are good at other dance learn how to feel men’s lead, they will become very popular with men at the salsa club absolutely because they are already able to dance well. So I’d like to advice them “ Please Feel leader’s tension!” soa natural?
For Salsa dance, it’s very important for ladies to concentrate on men’s lead. At first,those who are good at another dance such as a ballet, aerobics tend not to be able to follow the men’s lead because they can turn around by themselves. I think for salsa dance, feeling the partner’s tension is one of the most lovely things. If those who are good at another dance learn how to feel men’s lead, they will become very popular with men at the salsa club absolutely because they will be able to dance well soon. So I’d like to advice them “ Please Feel leader’s tension!” soa natural?

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