Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Reserve"

The meaning of "Reserve" in various phrases and sentences

Q: O que significa 'She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is typically British.'
I don't understand the grammar here. Does' that reserve and slight coldness' modify manner? What is the function of ' of' before 'manner?'
Than you.?
A: "reserve" here is a noun that refers to a personality trait. Using the sentence structure "She has that reserve which is typically British" we could swap "reserve" for other nouns that refer to personality traits: "she has that shyness/detachment/restraint that is typically British" (or any trait you want to plug in there, like "honesty", "kindness" etc.)

"_____ of manner" is just another way of describing personality traits. Slight coldness of manner, abruptness of manner, warmth of manner, etc. are all possible. In my opinion it sounds slightly old fashioned, formal, or literary.

"of" is linking manner to the phrase before it (in this case "slight coldness"). Compare it with a structure like "length of time", "amount of money".

Certain phrases like "faint of heart", "weak of heart" (both meaning "weak" or "cowardly") and "sound of mind" (meaning "sane" or "rational") which describe people are a bit old-fashioned and tend not to be used as often in casual daily speech now-days, but you may find it in writing or occasionally in speech. Many of these phrases are also commonly used in a different form: "faint-hearted" "weak-minded" etc. (As many of these are kind of formal or old-fashioned fixed expressions/collocations, some of them might sound a bit unnatural even if they make sense grammatically).

"Manner" here is like mannerism, meaning behavior or demeanor.

A rephrasing of the sentence could be: "She has the typical reserved personality and slightly cold manner(isms) of the British."

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