Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Weapon"
The meaning of "Weapon" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa being an academic weapon?
Where did you see this. A person who is an "academic weapon" would be an intellectual threat of some kind, like the smartest person in a group that is competing against another group in something like a math contest.
"Ben is our academic weapon. He knows ALL the answers to the questions."
"Ben is our academic weapon. He knows ALL the answers to the questions."
O que significa So unleash your weapon?
"unleash" is basically like "show". So it's like "please show me your weapon"
O que significa the very weapon?
Whenever you hear/read "the very (noun)", it typically means something very specific about the noun.
"This is the very weapon that killed her."
- the weapon is specific. it's THIS weapon, not any other weapon.
"This is the very weapon that killed her."
- the weapon is specific. it's THIS weapon, not any other weapon.
O que significa weapons, thieves, safe, injured people?
Armas, ladrones, seguro, gente herida
O que significa weapon?
Example sentences using "Weapon"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Could you correct it
he is shooting his weapon to the enemy
now we can arm him with advanced weapons.
he is shooting his weapon to the enemy
now we can arm him with advanced weapons.
You can change the arm into equip or put or fire depending on what it means
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com weapon.
Weapons should be safely stored.
You should keep weapons away from kids.
Firearms are considered a weapon.
You should keep weapons away from kids.
Firearms are considered a weapon.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com weapon.
The sword is a big weapon.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com weapon of wife.
tears are the extreme weapon of your wife
Synonyms of "Weapon" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre weapon e arms ?
weapons and arms are the same thing. Arms (from Latin arma) may be a slightly higher register word, more poetic (The Aeneid in English starts with “I sing of arms and the man…”)
However, you can talk about a weapon, but an arm never means a weapon, only part of the body!
They have had weapons training.
He did not take proper care of his weapon.
The factory manufactures arms. (weapons might be possible here, but arms is more usual.
He is an arms dealer (never weapons).
The arms trade (never weapons trade) is a dirty business.
Roman weapons included the sword, the catapult… (probably not arms here because you go on to give details of each weapon).
She often weaponizes her tears (uses them as a weapon).
The soldiers were armed (not weaponised! - but you could say The soldiers had weapons (less elegant style).
However, you can talk about a weapon, but an arm never means a weapon, only part of the body!
They have had weapons training.
He did not take proper care of his weapon.
The factory manufactures arms. (weapons might be possible here, but arms is more usual.
He is an arms dealer (never weapons).
The arms trade (never weapons trade) is a dirty business.
Roman weapons included the sword, the catapult… (probably not arms here because you go on to give details of each weapon).
She often weaponizes her tears (uses them as a weapon).
The soldiers were armed (not weaponised! - but you could say The soldiers had weapons (less elegant style).
Qual é a diferença entre weapon e weaponry ?
“Weapon” = talking about a weapon or type of weapon.
“Weaponry” = refers to a collection of weapons or weapons as an entire concept.
Examples for “weapon:”
“I saw he had a weapon.”
“What kind of weapon is that?”
“Do you know a lot about weapons?”
Examples for “weaponry:”
“Soldiers are trained in lots of weaponry.”
“Knights had many kinds of weaponry.”
“Weaponry is a scary subject sometimes.”
“Weapon” = talking about a weapon or type of weapon.
“Weaponry” = refers to a collection of weapons or weapons as an entire concept.
Examples for “weapon:”
“I saw he had a weapon.”
“What kind of weapon is that?”
“Do you know a lot about weapons?”
Examples for “weaponry:”
“Soldiers are trained in lots of weaponry.”
“Knights had many kinds of weaponry.”
“Weaponry is a scary subject sometimes.”
Qual é a diferença entre weapon e gun ?
A gun is a type of weapon.
A weapon can be any object that causes harm. A gun is a weapon that fires bullets.
An AK-47 is a weapon.
An AK-47 is a gun.
A knife is a weapon.
A knife is not a gun.
A sword is a weapon.
A sword is not a gun.
A weapon can be any object that causes harm. A gun is a weapon that fires bullets.
An AK-47 is a weapon.
An AK-47 is a gun.
A knife is a weapon.
A knife is not a gun.
A sword is a weapon.
A sword is not a gun.
Qual é a diferença entre weapons e guns ?
A gun is a type of weapon. Other weapons would be swords, bombs, knives, some types of axes, etc.
Qual é a diferença entre weapon e gun ?
A weapon can be anything you hurt people with (sword, knife, gun).
Gun is what you shoot with.
Gun is what you shoot with.
Translations of "Weapon"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? weapon
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? nuclear weapon
"Nuclear Weapon"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? weapon free
I don't think this is normal, may not even correct, English.
I would interpret 'Weapon Free' as meaning 'without weapons'. E.g. if someone manages to complete a level of a game without a weapon. But, from what you write, it might mean 'free to use weapons'.
I would interpret 'Weapon Free' as meaning 'without weapons'. E.g. if someone manages to complete a level of a game without a weapon. But, from what you write, it might mean 'free to use weapons'.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? weapon
it is the same
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? weapon
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Weapon"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar weapons.
Like this: /ˈwɛpəns/
Many English students tend to pronounce it as "wea-pawns" - but this is not how you pronounce it.
Pay attention to the "-pons" sound! ^^
Many English students tend to pronounce it as "wea-pawns" - but this is not how you pronounce it.
Pay attention to the "-pons" sound! ^^
The weapon was a slick knockoff of the Auto Assault-12 that had been developed in the United State.
Is "a slick knockoff" a well-made copycat product?
Is "a slick knockoff" a well-made copycat product?
Yes, but “slick” is a slang word.
This weapon is very powerful and can give a lot of damage, but each swing is very slow and you can be easily caught off guard get much damage. soa natural?
I think you mean
This weapon is very powerful and can inflict a lot of damage, but each swing is very slow and you can easily be caught off guard and hurt yourself with it.
This weapon is very powerful and can inflict a lot of damage, but each swing is very slow and you can easily be caught off guard and hurt yourself with it.
should it be related to weapons when using the word 'pad down'?? can i use this when checking a thiefs jacket?
A pat down is the act of searching for any concealed items. It could be for weapons or drugs or anything a person could be hiding.
Yes, you can say you are giving someone a pat down if you are searching a thief's jacket.
Yes, you can say you are giving someone a pat down if you are searching a thief's jacket.
It is the most terrible weapon of war of which man has invented. soa natural?
'It is the most terrible weapon of war that man has invented' is a little more natural
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