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Do your students have a hard time picking a topic for their personal narrative essays? Make the process easier with this engaging and effective introductory activity! This structured approach to choosing a personal narrative topic is perfect for students in upper elementary and middle school. Guided prompts and and questions encourage students to dive deeper into their past experiences. Check out this lesson today! #5th #writing #personalnarrative #commoncore via @literacyinfocus how to give cre
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Hi friends! About a year ago, I had just started my first year of teaching 7th and 8th grade English Language Arts. We were working on narrative essays and I did a blog post on how I taught it here. I have grown SO much since that time. My students definitely learned a lot, but […] how to give credit in an essay 😘 Please Re-Pin for later 😍💞 How do you get an A in an essay?
5 Strategies To Teach Students How To Write Powerful Personal Narrative Essays
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