
actually our kitchen in our house is very close to my ideal kitchen, just maybe not as pretty, and a bit longer would be nice. Ideal kitchen features: separate room - not open concept floor plan. Sunny! Lots of windows - corner of house is nice. Wide galley-style layout with room for a small table or “breakfast nook” at the end. Lots of cupboards. White enamel double sink- farmhouse or drop in styles are both fine. A “broom closet” and pantry with room for small appliances, extra equipment, etc. in kitchen or just off kitchen (like in a laundry room/mud room) A door to the backyard in kitchen or near kitchen (for bringing in produce and grilling. :). )White or wood cabinets. Countertops- stone is nice but I’m just fine with Formica. I like light countertops if cabinets are wood and dark countertops if cabinets are white. Backsplashes: bead board or light-colored simple tile. Floor: wood/laminate or light colored tile/linoleum. Appliances: I love white enamel. Stainless steel would be ok too. Not fan of black. Dislikes: islands (they get in the way, I think) bar stool seating, lots of open shelving, open concept floorplans.
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