Form & Counterform in logo design

Topic 4: Form and counter forms that make you take a second look
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Topic 4: Form and counter form The form is the word eat and the counterform is in the word eat forming a spoon and a thinking cloud. The spoon and the cloud make it interesting because its like arrows leading you to the next thing. _____________________________________________________Found on google images
Topic 4: Form and counter form The form on this logo is the white cat standing upright. The counter form is the black cat kind of shadowing the form or the white cat.Also you can see the shapes the legs are forming. Its overall interesting because you see that the counter form shadows the form. it makes me want to find out what logo this is._____________________________________ Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The form in this certain logo is the tree and the birds flying away from the tree. Then when you look closer you see the counter form of the logo which is an Ape and a Lion, which is very interesting because you have to take a second look at the logo. _____________________________________________ Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form This logo is the Girl Scouts logo. In the form you can see the shape of the hair of the silhouetted girl and the counter form you can see the girls or people within the in. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The form in this college logo is two C's forming another letter. Therefore the S is the counter form. Both the form and counter form are interesting because on how the C's are so spaced apart and it you immediately notice the S_____________________________________________________________________________________Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The NBC logo's form is the feathers or droplets then you see the negative space which is a peacock. It makes you go back for a second look to the the whole logo again as a whole piece. _____________________________________________________________________Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The Toyota logo form is just the lines and shapes in this logo. But if you look closer you can see the counter form makes a T the lines/shapes in form eventually make sense because its helping the counter form__________________________________________________________Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The form in this logo is the hand/fingers is pretty interesting because the counter form which is a duck forms the palm of the hand._________________________________________Found on google images
Topic 4: Form & counter form The form in this logo is mainly the circle around the counter form. But the counter form is two animals one looking in one direction and the other animal looking the other way. It makes you wonder what they are looking at or for.___________________________________________________________________________________ Found on google images