Craftsman Bungalow Before and After

A grueling journey remodeling our 1906 Tool Shed on a lumber tract to 1930's Sears Bungalow Kit to horrible, we don't know - Ranchalow? to todays almost Authentic Craftsman home in Washington State. I'll put these in order someday.
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Big mess in pole shed. Will bring in the tractor and lift up the bigger molds to the top shelves and get everything up off the floor. Getting closer to actually making some planters.
Concrete molds have been hauled in - brushed off and sorted by size and weight - almost time to dust off the cement makers and start up the plants and pots "hobby". Which means the greenhouse needs to be moved next. Hubby sounds dangerously unenthused. I think he needs to go out to the cabin and fish for a couple of months and recharge his "yes honey".
Shelves, work benches and the loft are in - its time to tote in all my "stuff". Hubby started out building the pole shed for me but its morphing from the "girl's pole shed" to "our pole shed" to "my pole shed". I need to haul my crap in there fast!
Jib Crane install. I was vehemently sent AWAY as I was, with great justification, verbally bothered by the fact that my men had the tractor balanced up on top of 4 by 4's trying to get the height to lift the jib base onto the bolts. Then, hubby had to climb down off his "go away - go away NOW' high horse and send me to Home Depot for some massive socket thing.
The almost ta-da! moment. Entire outside is done as of early April. The inside is currently, and reluctantly, being completely insulated because the "girl" (that being me - loosely) doesn't want to be cold.
And just like that! A Pole Shed. One more inspection to go and then it's the concrete floor and the jib crane installation. Hubby found the crane on Craig's list and drove down to Oregon to pick it up. I understand the drive back was grueling as the thing was so heavy and big it was slewing the F350 and the Big Tex trailer all over the freeway. Glad I wasn't there for that ride - I would have been squeally and hubby doesn't like that...
The Pole Shed is going up fast. That's how it always is though - huge progress and then the excruciatingly slow invisible stuff. The building inspector showed up early evening... it was weird. In any case - he signed off so we can insulate!
Okay, I'll say it - THIS is why they call it a pole shed.... Poles.
Pole Shed Last step before the build - grading and gravel and, because you just can't be too careful - landscape fabric. You'd think hubby was building the foundation for the Great Pyramid. I was all for bringing in trucks of gravel - I thought it was $380.00 for the entire order - apparently I'm naïve... I stopped the madness at 4 truckloads - $1,520 + tax! Ka-Ching for the rock company....
Bathroom Walk-in Closet - doors are in - hardware is next. Why didn't we buy and use the Ikea doors that went with the closets? Because Ikea QUIT carrying them while they were on backorder - that's why. So, while forced to have doors made - it was an opportunity to match them to the rest of the mission doors in the house. Cabinet maker said - and I quote "kind of putting lipstick on a pig aren't we?"
OH NO!! The end is here. This, presented in the picture being worth a thousand words format - shows the agony of the zone pushing gardener.
Greenhouse - Look at this poor thing - a victim of a 2011 snow storm. I've ordered the new panels (hidden in garage) but I want it moved to the back acre so that I (we) don't have to look at it's sad carcass from our living room. I haven't asked hubby yet and, as a point of reference on how seriously unwelcome this request will be, putting together the greenhouse 13 years ago almost ended our relationship and it was the infatuation stage. Going to have to come up with a plan on this one....
And this mess is my outdoor kitchen after a hard summer of canning and moon-shining. I don't even know where to start but clean up needs to happen and soon - it's getting cold outside.... Upside, there's a bunch of carboys sitting in the house in the bathtub (in fear of the dreaded carb geyser) bubbling away just full of hard cider.
And this, my Pinterest friends, is how you get your hubby to build you a pole shed even after his feeble "request denied" attempt. This mess of concrete molds, a couple of decent welding burns and a very explosive acid paint accident on his new cement pad equaled complete capitulation. I felt he could have been a bit more gracious but a win is a win is a win....