Imagine this: What if everything you’ve been "taught" was a lie? Television media quote only the truth; government cares about you; stuff/money makes you happy; your race, religion, political view, or sexual orientation is the best. Facts are often fiction, especially in the "real world." Quotes to ponder. Discover for yourself…
130 Pins
Hacking of the American Mind
Hacking of the American Mind began over a hundred years ago. To our detriment and eventual demise, we've been conditioned to believe everything we hear on television. As a result, we’ve given the chemical industry carte blanche to poison us… Chemicals disguised as food, “modern medicine, “cleaning, home/yard, beauty products among others- are killing us. And it’s legal… #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #ImagineThis #HealthyLiving #MediaPropaganda #EdwardBernays #HackingOfTheAmericanMind
Modern Health Miracle or Toxic Residue?
The Industrial Revolution had created a monster. Fluoride was a problem and fear that if serious injury were established, lawsuits could prove devastating to industry profits. Voila! The campaign to fluoridate America! Mottling teeth, weak bones, brain tumors… Dumbing down or apathetic behavior to the masses who consume it. Can you avoid this toxic residue? Know the facts… #EdensCorner #Fluoride #IsItHealthy #Fluoridation #FluoridePropaganda #HealthyLiving #ImagineThis #OrganicConsumersOrg
What's Real?
The more real you get, the more you see "reality" as an illusion. Down-to-earth, fringe dweller types live free from the maya that has seduced the masses into a passive stupor… #EdensCorner #FringeDweller #IsItHealthy #ABetterYou
Who is the Fringe Dweller? – Signs You May Be a Fringe Dweller
The Fringe Dweller does not live a false life of illusion. They are well aware that negative forces exist, however, they observe these forces objectively; without judgment, without anger, and without attempting to change them. Are you a Fringe Dweller? #EdensCorner #FringeDweller #HealthyLiving #Meditation
Stuff Won't Make You Happy
Incessant pursuit of happiness is fueling hopelessness and driving millions to consume junk foods, drugs, acquire needless stuff, even beliefs and values… A surreal trance has captivated and distracted the masses. Pawns in a multimillion-dollar scheme, unaware they’re destroying their lives and chance for happiness. #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #HealthyLiving #GeorgeCarlinQuote #HerdInstinct #HowTheMediaHacksYourBrain #Happiness
License to Kill
There's a fox in the hen house. Behind the flashy labels and subliminal brainwashing is an industry so ruthless it cares for nothing save its shareholders profits. Above the law entities are no more than chemical company fronts. Industrial food, “medicine,” poisons for the home and yard, even your baby’s scented lotion. No one is immune to their toxic products, unless… - #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #ImagineThis #Family #HealthyLiving #ToxicChemicals #RevolvingDoor
Wake Up from the Media Induced Trance
Journalism isn’t what it used to be. Mouthpieces for chemical companies fronting as healthy “junk” food, “medicine,” influencing political beliefs… …are manipulating the masses. Times have changed. In this “free world,” it’s evident, they’re not good. Wake up from the media induced trance. Life is good, but it’s not the one they’re selling. Here’s how they do it, and what you can do to stop it. - #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #ImagineThis #HealthyLiving #MediaPropaganda #EdwardBernays
Modern Medicine: Third Cause of Death
Medical freedom does not exist today where "modern medicine" dominates its society. …the medical takeover killed real medicine. Using devious campaigns of propaganda, well-paid "authorities" convinced the public that our God-given medicine (from nature) was quackery. The "Flexnor Report," fooled/bribed US congressman. To our detriment, we've become a nation of "sick" people. #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #HealthyLiving #Family #Reni #ImagineThis #ModernMedicine #RealMedicine
Let's Take Back Our Food, Our Medicine, & Our Minds
…years the masses have been under the spell of corporate media. Why else would we “believe” it’s healthy to grow our food with chemicals, be “doctored” with toxic drugs, barbaric cutting and burning? Clean our homes with untested chemicals, feed our children industrial food? Media propaganda. Most haven’t a clue that their problems… You can escape the genocide. - #EdensCorner #IsItHealthy #ImagineThis #MediaPropaganda #HerdInstinct #EdwardBernays #ThomasJefferson
Corruption in Politics Doesn't Scare Me. What Scares Me is how comfortable people are doing... - "Sometimes you have to know the worst of it, to make the best of it." ~ Reni - #EdensCorner #Imagine This #IsItHealthy #HerdInstinct #CrowdPsychology #MediaInfluence #MediaPropaganda #MediaBrainwashing #GovernmentCorruption #CorruptLobbyists
Have you escaped the Matrix? Very few have managed to struggle free. Sick from the artificial foods, medicine, chemicals in virtually every commercial product and distracted by gadgets and fear, the masses commit self-genocide. #EdensCorner #Reni #ImagineThis #IsItHealthy #FringeDweller #Propaganda #HerdInstinct #EdwardBernays