
137 Pins
How to Fold Origami Christmas Star
Christmas is just around the corner, and today I’d like to recommend an activity that your whole family can take part in – making this origami Christmas star! This origami Christmas also called 5-pointed star, creates some of these stars to make your home super sparkle at Christmas! Whether you use discarded gift wrapping paper or the paper you handpicked you can create lovely stars, but the glitter paper is highly recommended.
This may contain: someone is holding an origami bow in their hand
Toddler love Craft and Activities ideas in 2023
Super Fun love Crafts For Kids - simple origami paper craft
This may contain: three stars are shown with the words follow for more like and save on them in front of
Fun Storage Box Crafts that Kids can make!
Cool Homemade Storage Box Craft Ideas - fun diy projects for home
18+ Easy DIY Paper Butterflies for Beginners | #7 is my Favorite
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