star destroyer clase imperial derribado

Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera | Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera | As far as I know *nobody* knows exact proportions of an ISD; especially Mark II like this one. So I hope I got it right somehow...
destructor imperial hecho con la tecnica snuts, sin dejar ver los enganches de lego
Zvezda 1/2700 Imperial Class Star Destroyer
Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera
About 50 kilos of pure bricks without any steel internal support, holds itself together and is straight. At least for now, because I don't expect it to stay like that in three months.
Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera
Engines were probably the toughest "detail" to make, a round bowl of 15-cm diameter, with a large hole in the middle for the bulbs (which will come sometime in the future). Greebles near the edges are worth mentioning, because they were made in about 5 minutes: some bricks as background, two flexes and bunch of clips. Gets the job done for now ;)