Hermes birkins suck d***ta**toiletbowl!

#1 Idk b. B be too much worried about their weight. Show sum double back rolls of something. #2 You need sum coffee?? You need sum Mickey d’s fam. Triple Big Mac side of large extra crispy fries and large soda. Forget about the coffee. Soda is better, here hun sip a little, aha. #3 WAA THE FK U BIGGER THE SIZE OF MY MOMMA CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. #4 Now that my friend is a case of salmonella. #5 Girl don’t be shy show mama sum cellulite on dat as. #6 Whatcha do grab a pack of Hershey kisses and melt it on ur hands. DAMNNNN that musta hurt, u glad God ain’t seeing that #7 Your life should be without that Botox in your face. Forget about the raggedy as dog. You need sum pizza sis. #8 Yeah well I wouldn’t do ur mom. #9 Don’t follow that. You be sending your family to the hospital with a case of AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THATAHHH is u dum girl. #10 Chocolate on the out super smoking in the middle. Now that i can make out with. Come here. Chases after. #11 What happen to you, the Kool aid man came and had ur babies. Mm m m. You should be arrested you exotic piece of thangggg. Slaps your ends. #12 Red velvet my as. EVERYONE MUST REMAIN CALM. Breathes heavy. Arrests brownies. #13 Forget it stop wasting your time. Here. You need a case of PTLD, Post traumatic lasagna disorder. Lemme hook you up. Hands you bag of lasagna in your hand without looking at you. Runs away. AHHHHHHHHH QWQWQAQAQAQ #14 stfu u stinkin b. Go roll sum cookie do or sumthinnnn #15 Men are pigs. Like go find something else to do, leave us magical creatures alone. We are better off without ya bothering us.
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