Learning Environments

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I believe that classrooms need to be a place for all students to feel comfortable. I know that any environment where there is stress can make students uncomfortable. I want my students to know that if they need a place to calm down, relax, and take a few minutes to themselves they have that opportunity in my room. An area like this would also be a fun place for students to read a book.
A child-centred 3 and 4-year old kindergarten program inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education
Invitation to create - Our children love loose parts and it can take over the whole room with their little world creation. This was a provocation to explore them in a different way, as a tool for communication. EYLF Communication: Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
The 3rd teacher: our new Reggio inspired classroom
This article is on designing a Reggio Emilia-inspired classroom, but I am interested in the part in which she talks about small world play as an entry into home life play (it has also been my observation that young children are more interested in this than home life)
Construction learning area from Antonio Catholic School - Walker Learning Approach Personalised Learning ≈≈
Walker Learning Approach: Personalised Learning Sensory learning area from Hillcrest Primary School ≈≈