natural medicine

How to Make Sore Throat Lollipops
Are you looking for the best DIY natural sore throat remedies? For kids too young for throat lozenges, this healthy homemade suckers recipe is an easy alternative. While they're not totally sugar free, these hard candy lollipops are made with honey and elderberries. #homeremedies #naturalremedies #sorethroatremedies #naturalhomeremedies #suckers #lollipops #homemakingideas #remediesforkids #honey #elderberries
How to Make Drawing Salve
How to make black drawing salve for splinters, bites, stings, and skin irritations. Homemade drawing salve recipe for all-natural home remedies. #homeremedies
Ear oil with garlic and calendula
Made by herbal infusion of calendula, usnea, and garlic in olive oil, these homemade ear drops help relieve infections naturally.