Garden Netting

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Netting to Protect Fruit Trees
The wildlife in your area cannot tell the difference between your fruit trees and wild trees that have fruit. Netting is one way to protect your fruit from hungry birds and squirrels while still allowing light and air into the tree's canopy. Knowing when and how to cover your trees helps you keep the fruit produced by the fruit trees instead of it going to feed hungry birds, squirrels and deer.
Cicada Netting - The cicadas are coming and my young fruit trees are easy target for egg laying females. Covered in netting, they look like Halloween trees.
Caring for My Off-Grid Organic Garden in Spring
Last year, cockatoos ate every one of the peaches on this tree. This year, I left in uncovered while blossoming, but covered it with bird netting at the first sign of fruit.
Fruit Tree Bird Net Frame
Hubby and I made this frame out of 2 inch plastic irrigation piping attached to metal 'star' pickets. This size pipe fits snuggly on to the ends of the pickets, sliding easily over.
Projects X 2: The Berry Barn & The Weeping Circle
chicken wire "greenhouse" to keep out birds, deer and rabbits Projects X 2: The Berry Barn
The HBGBS study tour
At the end of June there was a study tour for all of the HBGBS trainees. It was a chance to meet everyone again before they all went off in ...
Blueberry Cage to keep the birds out! - Fine Homebuilding
Blueberry Cage to keep the birds out! - Fine Homebuilding
Vegetables: Problems - eXtension
deer fencing for gardens | This vegetable garden is fenced in to keep deer away from the harvest ...
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Round fruit cage. Ideal for protecting young blackcurrant, blueberry, redcurrant and cranberry bushes, as well as many other ornamental and edible plants, from birds and animals, this round fruit cage also looks pretty smart. In winter you could also cover it with fleece (which is not included) to offer protection from the frosts.
Creating a Garden Paradise in the Village of Canton « The Garden Plot
cage around blueberry bushes to thwart the birds