
54 Pins
Super natural results of eyebrows Microblading, performed by our graduate Iwamas! With a unique technique, the Iwama Sensitive Tecnique, developed by @priscilaiwama❤, ... #priscilaiwamaenhancement #iwamagraduate #iwamasensitivetechnique #iwamaclinic #microbladingusa #naturalmakeup #microbladingclass #microbladingeyebrows #lipspigmentation #microbladingclasses #permanentmakeup #beautybocaraton #eyebrowshaping #microblading #priscilaiwama #bocaraton
La technique fait de plus en plus d’adeptes, logique car il est indéniable qu'elle embellit (si c'est bien fait). Retrouvez en fin d'article, une photo d'un avant/après tatouage des sourcils, vous verrez c'est...éloquent !
Beauty Note: Everything You Need to Know About Microblading Your Brows - Lauren Conrad
Permanent Make Up Micropigmentação Micropigmentação 3D Sobrancelhas Blond