Health Issues In Dogs

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X-Rays for Dogs
What Are X-Rays for Dogs? X-rays, also known as radiographs, are an essential component of veterinary medicine. X-rays for dogs allow us to see inside a dog’s body, detect disease, and evaluate organs. X-rays, put simply, are 2D images of a 3D object, a type of electromagnetic radiation produced when electrical energy from electrons is converted into X-rays within a specially designed tube....
Rare Sleeping Disorders In Dogs
Sleep is important for your pet’s well-being, and sleep disorders in dogs can be hard on your entire household. Here, we’ll explain the four most common sleep disorders in dogs. #dog #dogs #dogsleep
My Dog Ate a Hand Warmer. Now What?
As the weather grows colder, many homes, coat pockets, shoes, and trash cans will have instant-use hand warmers inside. These single-use hand warmers contain iron powder that when exposed to the air creates a reaction that generates heat. Unfortunately, dogs seem to enjoy chewing or even swallowing these hand warmers—which can lead to serious illness. Learn how and why hand warmers are toxic to...
Bordetella Vaccine for Dogs
Whether you’ve just adopted a new puppy or had canine companions all your life, chances are you’ve heard about the Bordetella vaccine. This vaccine is used to prevent kennel cough in dogs, a highly contagious respiratory infection that spreads quickly in shelters, doggie daycares, boarding and grooming facilities, dog parks, and other group settings. Because the Bordetella vaccine is...
Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Crossed?
Crossed eyes, where the pupil of both eyes is permanently pointed toward the nose, is actually a common condition seen in cats. Also called medial strabismus in cats, this appearance of crossed eyes in cats is caused by an abnormality in the muscles and nerves that control eye movement. Many cats with crossed eyes can live normal lives, but there are some instances where this appearance can be a...
Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis in Dogs
What Is Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis in Dogs? Immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) is a term that encompasses multiple conditions leading to joint inflammation (arthritis) in dogs due to molecules being deposited in the joints by the immune system. Normally, the immune system combats external threats like viruses and bacteria by binding and disarming them with protective antibodies, forming...
Cyanosis in Dogs
What Is Cyanosis in Dogs? Cyanosis is the bluish-purple tinge that blood acquires when it’s not carrying enough oxygen. In dogs, this color change is usually easiest to see on their tongue, gums, or inner ears, where the blood vessels are very superficial and the haircoat is thinnest. Cyanosis is usually due to the lungs or the circulatory system not working properly. <strong>If you are...
Cavities in Dogs
What Are Cavities in Dogs? If you’ve ever had a cavity in a tooth, you know how painful cavities can be. Pet parents often forget to prioritize their dog’s oral health, which unfortunately leads to painful dental conditions, including cavities. Although cavities are much less common in dogs than in people, pet parents should be aware of the signs that their dog could have a cavity and how...
Bacterial Infection (Streptococcus) in Dogs
What Is Streptococcus Bacterial Infection in Dogs? Streptococci are bacteria that can cause infections in both humans and animals. Streptococcus canis is the streptococcal species most commonly found in dogs. The bacterium is normally present in a healthy dog’s throat, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, reproductive tract, and skin. In some cases, streptococci can breach a dog’s normal defenses,...
Staph Infection in Dogs
What Are Staph Infections in Dogs? Staph infections are caused by the overgrowth of Staphylococcus bacteria on the surface of a dog’s skin. Small amounts of this type of bacteria are normally found on dogs. However, when the skin barrier becomes damaged or the immune system is weakened, bacteria can overgrow, which leads to an infection. The skin becomes red and itchy because of inflammation or...
West Nile Virus in Dogs
What Is West Nile Virus in Dogs? West Nile is a virus that can cause encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. It’s spread by mosquitoes and is more common in warmer regions of the world that have high mosquito populations. While humans can contract West Nile virus, most don’t develop any symptoms. One person out of five will get a fever, and only one in 150 will develop a serious illness...
Yeast Infections in Dogs
What Are Yeast Infections in Dogs? Does your dog frantically itch their skin? Have you noticed a bad smell or greasy fur when you pet them? If so, they may have a yeast infection. Yeast are fungal organisms that normally live on a dog’s skin without causing problems. However, when a dog’s immune system weakens or an underlying health condition, such as hypothyroidism, is present, yeast can...
Hip Dysplasia Surgery in Dogs
What Is Hip Dysplasia Surgery in Dogs? Hip dysplasia is a common condition in large breed dogs where abnormal growth or development of the hip joint occurs as a puppy grows. Normally, the hip’s ball and socket joint fit smoothly together. But in dogs with hip dysplasia, this fit is not as smooth and the joint becomes less stable over time, causing painful arthritis to develop. Hip...
Leg Amputation in Dogs
What Is Leg Amputation in Dogs? Having your dog’s leg amputated, or surgically removed, is a procedure your veterinarian will not recommend lightly. In most cases, it’s the only available option or is recommended as a last resort or as a palliative measure to prevent worsening pain. Although leg amputation in dogs may sound extreme, the procedure provides a successful outcome for many pups....
Primary Lens Luxation in Dogs
What Is Primary Lens Luxation in Dogs? The lens is a small, clear disc inside the eye that focuses light on the retina to help your dog see. It’s suspended in place by small ligaments called zonules. When these ligaments break down, it can cause the lens to fall or “luxate” out of its normal position. Lens luxation either can be the primary problem in the eye (called primary lens luxation),...