World Watercolor Month 31-Day Challenge

16 Pins
July 16 - Silver
Day 16 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt is SILVER. #worldwatercolormonth #fairypositive #watercolorpainting #silver #silverware #silverwareart #donutart #bookpage #bookpageart
July 15 - Cheer
Day 15 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt is CHEER. Cheers to my good friend, Blaine Oelkers, on his birthday! #worldwatercolormonth #fairypositive #watercolorpainting #makeatoast #toastingtoyou @chiefresultsofficer #cheers
July 14 - Dance
Day 14 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt is DANCE. Just about every Sunday evening, you'll find my husband at a local Phoenix venue called Cactus Jack's, watching his favorite Grateful Dead cover band. I have been a few times and met and observed some of the other regulars. One gal has a most unique style of dancing. She twirls like a dervish, but she more stomps than steps in her dance movements. To that end, we call her "Stompie." This is Stompie.
Day 13 - Strong
Day 13 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt is STRONG. This is supposed to be a little girl - not sure if that comes across. #worldwatercolormonth #fairypositive #watercolorpainting #beyourownsuperhero #strength #stronggirls #bookpages #bookpageart #redcape #boxinggloves
Day 12 - Travel
Day 12 of World Watercolor Month. Yesterday's prompt was TRAVEL. I've been working on my novel, Stan Finds Himself on the Other Side of the World, for well into the double digits now. Still, that is what the prompt TRAVEL conjured for me. And it takes a certain amount of hubris, I think, to paint over the first page of an instruction book about drawing and painting. :-) #worldwatercolormonth
Day 11 - Center
Day 11 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt was CENTER. #worldwatercolormonth The top sheet for this painting is a VERY thin textbook page - think 1950s dictionary. It was going to be impossible to paint on, so I glued it to a page from a vintage Sears Catalog book. That's why it's framed so oddly.
July 10 - Fast
Day 10 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt was FAST. Painted on a page from an Edward Gorey coloring book. #worldwatercolormonth
July 9 - Goal
Day 9 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt was GOAL. This was my favorite to paint so far. The original was indoor hockey. I moved it from a gym to street hockey. #worldwatercolormonth
July 8 - Bronze
Day 8 of World Watercolor Month. Today's prompt was BRONZE.
July 6 - Home
Day 6 of World Watercolor Month. Prompt was HOME. I really like this one. Got the perspective correct because I traced another image. But I added the bat! #worldwatercolormonth
July 7 - Perform
Day 7 of World Watercolor Month. The prompt was PERFORM. This one has received the best feedback on FB. I like it, too.
July 5 - Welcome
Day 5 of World Watercolor Month. Prompt was WELCOME. I was lazy about perspective with this one. Looking at the finished painting, I wish I'd been a bit more precise - but I still like it.
July 4 - Patriotism
Today’s prompt was PATRIOTIC. #worldwatercolormonth
July 3 - Time
Today’s prompt was TIME. #worldwatercolormonth
July 2 - Passion
Today’s prompt was PASSION. #worldwatercolormonth