Title: Effy Natural Ruby Diamond 14K White Gold Art Deco Inspired Ring Description: Offering a stunning Art Deco inspired 14K white gold ring by designer Effy. Ring is set with 0.57ct of princess cut natural rubies surrounded by 0.48ct of full cut round brilliant (SI, G-H) diamonds. Gemstones: Rubies (princess cut), Diamonds (full cut round brilliant) Approx. Measurement or Weight of Gem Stones: Rubies: 3 @ 3mm x 3mm x 2.3mm (0.57ct); Diamonds: 32 @ 1.5mm (0.48ct) Color: Rubies: Red, Diamonds: G-H Clarity: SI1-SI2 Mounting metal: 14K white gold Approx. Size or length: Size 5.75, band is 3.5mm wide, design measures 14mm x 8.5mm Condition: Pre owned, very minor wear to metal seen only under 10x magnification, overall excellent condition. Stamping or Factory Markings: 14K and Bita Total weigh 14k White Gold Ruby Ring With Halo Setting, Elegant Ruby Ring In White Gold And Platinum, Elegant Platinum Ruby Ring With Halo Setting, Elegant Ruby Ring With Halo Setting In Platinum, Elegant White Gold Ruby Ring With Brilliant Cut, Elegant White Gold Ruby Ring In Platinum, Elegant Cluster Ring With Polished Finish As A Gift, Elegant White Gold Ruby Ring For Anniversary, Elegant Ruby Ring With Diamond And Polished Finish

Vintage Effy Bita 14K White Gold Ruby & Diamond Art Deco Style Cocktail Ring

Title: Effy Natural Ruby Diamond 14K White Gold Art Deco Inspired Ring Description: Offering a stunning Art Deco inspired 14K white gold ring by designer Effy. Ring is set with 0.57ct of princess cut natural rubies surrounded by 0.48ct of full cut round brilliant (SI, G-H) diamonds. Gemstones: Rubies (princess cut), Diamonds (full cut round brilliant) Approx. Measurement or Weight of Gem Stones: Rubies: 3 @ 3mm x 3mm x 2.3mm (0.57ct); Diamonds: 32 @ 1.5mm (0.48ct) Color: Rubies: Red…


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