On a Golden Springtime Singing Time Ideas

Fun singing time ideas for On a Golden Springtime. Find easy ways to teach On a Golden Springtime with all our singing time ideas and free printable lesson plans for LDS Primary Music Leaders on PrimarySinging.com!
3 Pins
On a Golden Springtime Flip Chart & Lyrics
On a Golden Springtime Flip Chart visual aid helps for Singing Time for LDS Primary Music Leaders. Teach this Easter and D&C Come Follow Me song with this colorful flipchart with several printable lyrics song chart styles and options to choose from.
On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages
On a Golden Springtime Coloring Pages fun singing time activity to color in the pictures to represent the verses of the song as you teach this lovely Easter song! It's also perfect to teach as part of the D&C Come Follow Me year. Lesson plan for LDS Primary music leaders and for families!