Rune 8 Wunjo

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GriffinHeart's Runes
Wunjo's shape represents a metal wind-vane, such as those used on Viking ships, pagan temples, and stave churches in Scandanavia. (stave churches were early christian buildings made of wood and supported on masts). No Scandanavian temples survive, but it is quite possible that stave churches were modeled on them and built on the same design principles. Wunjo means joy, that elusive state of harmony within a chaotic world. Joy can be found by coming into balance with things, like the wind-vane,
Today’s Rune: Wunjo
Happiness and conclusion are strong themes today. Happiness/joy is the meaning of Wunjo, the source of today’s affirmation and the eighth and final rune in the first aett (or rune “family”) of the Elder Futhark. It’s also nearly a full moon, and I started this series just after the new moon. (It’s fascinating how present cycles are in our lives, and how it takes only a little silence and stillness to see them.)
Witches Runes Review, Rating + Card Images
8 Wunjo - Witches Runes by Silver RavenWolf and Nigel Jackson
Wunjo reminds us that abundance is to be shared, for us to experience joy and contentment. The societies we live in are based on money, and this system requires a paradigm of scarcity, fear of loss, and greed to continue to function. The paradigm of abundance is a natural paradigm. Nature is based on co-operation and abundance. The forest provides for all the plants and animals that depend on it for sustenance. There is nothing wasted, and nothing lacking.
Also on the horizon is often difficult and harsh life of the ancient Germans and Scandinavians, they were still the way and the time to enjoy life and its pleasures, the company of loved ones, the seasonal celebrations throughout the year that marked the ' changing seasons. Wunjo is the Rune of the wishes that come true, the dreams that are accomplished, unity and love. Wunjo governs the harmony of living in peace and happiness. ....
Today’s Rune: Wunjo
Today’s rune is Wunjo. It’s commonly known as “joy,” but its meaning runs deeper than simple happiness on a personality level. In his book Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic, Edred Thorsson offers the simplest, most concise, and yet most profound explanation of this rune’s meaning I’ve ever seen: When all members of the clan are harmoniously working together, while integrated into their environment in a syncretic manner, a true state of holiness exists.....
Daily Runes
Rune of joy and bliss. This is a highly positive Rune, which brings happiness and harmonization into ones life. The joy is often seen as community joy. Wunjo is also a Rune of healing.
Kenaz Filan
Wunjo takes us outside ourselves. The joy we feel in the arms of a lover or the company of friends, the breathless wonder we experience before a magnificent waterfall or a glorious sunset, the happiness a chosen activity brings us - all those point to our relationship with our society and our world. Wunjo reminds us that we do not exist in isolation or a vacuum .It teaches us that we must look outside ourselves to find joy and that we must make ourselves ready to welcome it in.
Image Credit : Benjamin Gitchel aka. LebenNightmajic Wunjo reminds us that abundance is to be shared, for us to experience joy and contentment. The societies we live in are based on money, and this system requires a paradigm of scarcity, fear of loss, and greed to continue to function.
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Runa Wunjo ou Wyn - Linha das Águas
The delights and pleasures to which this rune alludes seem to be related to the fruits of the earth, which we can allow ourselves to enjoy with tranquility, taking full advantage of the delights that life offers us, abandoning us to the pleasure of every detail. This is, therefore, a rune of fullness, joy and happiness, of pleasures that are given and received by announcing a period of satisfaction in which everything goes well in life. ....
The Runes
The god primarily associated with this rune is [[Odin]]. But there is an Anglo-Saxon magical tradition connecting this rune with the god Uller. The name of this rune is usually translated by other rune-workers as “joy” or “pasture.” This association with joy is evidently derived from the rune-name’s similarity to the modem German word Wonne. Although this interpretation is not altogether wrong, more light will be shed on our understanding of this rune if we concentrate on the original meaning..
Kenaz Filan
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