
469 Pins
139K views · 2.8K reactions | BẠN MUỐN THAY ĐỔI | 𝐌𝐔̀𝐀 𝐍𝐀̀𝐘 𝐍𝐄̂𝐍 Đ𝐄̂̉ 𝐊𝐈𝐄̂̉𝐔 𝐓𝐎́𝐂 𝐆𝐈̀ thiết kế tóc ngắn cá tính xu hướng👉 __ #catmai #uonsongbung #tocnganđẹp #toclayer #nhuomtoc #kythuatcattoctieuchuan... | By 𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 | Facebook
139K views · 2.8K reactions | BẠN MUỐN THAY ĐỔI | 𝐌𝐔̀𝐀 𝐍𝐀̀𝐘 𝐍𝐄̂𝐍 Đ𝐄̂̉ 𝐊𝐈𝐄̂̉𝐔 𝐓𝐎́𝐂 𝐆𝐈̀ thiết kế tóc ngắn cá tính xu hướng👉 __ #catmai #uonsongbung #tocnganđẹp #toclayer #nhuomtoc #kythuatcattoctieuchuan... | By 𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 | Facebook
Jacob Habib Khan on Instagram: "The weird haircut of the week! Also creative toner placement with @goldwellus! 20p + 10bs , then I overlay 7na on top of that formula in block accents for some fun focus points! New @fancyscissors razor coming out soon!! #fancyhairdresser #goldwellapprovedus"
41K views · 2.2K reactions | Стрижка боб. #парикмахер #стрижка #обучениепарикмахеров #стрижкаволос #стрижки #парикмахермосква #видеоуроки #техникастрижки #стрижкиженские #видеоурок | Обучение парикмахеров Москва
41K views · 2.2K reactions | Стрижка боб. #парикмахер #стрижка #обучениепарикмахеров #стрижкаволос #стрижки #парикмахермосква #видеоуроки #техникастрижки #стрижкиженские #видеоурок | Обучение парикмахеров Москва
31K views · 8.2K reactions | 자연스러운 느낌의 숏컷 A natural short cut corte de estilo naturaleza Короткий разрез естественного чувства Un taglio netto, naturale. gaya rambut pendek yang natural Kurze Schnitte mit einem natürlichen Gefühl #리프컷 #리프펌 #숏컷 #숏컷여자 #여자숏컷 #숏컷스타일 #그라츠헤어 #그라츠헤어대치점 #선릉역미용실 #대치동미용실 #숏커트 #숏컷트 #숏컷붙임머리 | 그라츠헤어 대표원장 김태풍 여자숏컷 숏컷
31K views · 8.2K reactions | 자연스러운 느낌의 숏컷 A natural short cut corte de estilo naturaleza Короткий разрез естественного чувства Un taglio netto, naturale. gaya rambut pendek yang natural Kurze Schnitte mit einem natürlichen Gefühl #리프컷 #리프펌 #숏컷 #숏컷여자 #여자숏컷 #숏컷스타일 #그라츠헤어 #그라츠헤어대치점 #선릉역미용실 #대치동미용실 #숏커트 #숏컷트 #숏컷붙임머리 | 그라츠헤어 대표원장 김태풍 여자숏컷 숏컷
1.8M views · 13K reactions | Would you be interested in having some education brought directly to your salon? with a full day of cutting education tailored to your team’s needs. Having trained his own team as a salon owner, Ben understands the challenges of translating skills into teachable techniques. His structured, disciplined approach makes learning accessible and impactful, ensuring every hair professional walks away with practical, immediately usable skills to enhance their craft and grow their client base. For any education enquiries domestic or international, if you are interested in some education for your team or a one to one day, email me at or feel free to message me 🖤 ▪️insalon education ▪️one to one ▪️international classes #haircut #haireducation #onlineeducation #hairtutorial #crafthairdresser #hairbrained #hairnerd #haircuttutorial #haireducator #lefthandedhairdresser #Bbeducationuk #hairdressing #onlinecoaching ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ @hairbrained_official @thehairnerds @behindthechair_com @hairacademytv @aheadhairmedia @modernsalon @american_salon @hairtutorial4you @cosmoprofbeauty | Ben Brown Haircutting Education
1.8M views · 13K reactions | Would you be interested in having some education brought directly to your salon? with a full day of cutting education tailored to your team’s needs. Having trained his own team as a salon owner, Ben understands the challenges of translating skills into teachable techniques. His structured, disciplined approach makes learning accessible and impactful, ensuring every hair professional walks away with practical, immediately usable skills to enhance their craft and grow their client base. For any education enquiries domestic or international, if you are interested in some education for your team or a one to one day, email me at or feel free to message me 🖤 ▪️insalon education ▪️one to one ▪️international classes #haircut #haireducation #onl
17K views · 4.2K reactions | Passo a passo completo do curtinho oriental! Parabéns, @long.hairsalon Gostou? Segue,curte e compartilhe #visagismo #cabelo #cabeleireiro #hairstyle #hair #tendências 2025 | Na_cosmetic
17K views · 4.2K reactions | Passo a passo completo do curtinho oriental! Parabéns, @long.hairsalon Gostou? Segue,curte e compartilhe #visagismo #cabelo #cabeleireiro #hairstyle #hair #tendências 2025 | Na_cosmetic
29K views · 4.9K reactions | Let’s cut some bangs #bangs #fringe #fringebangs #hanzonation #waynetugglehair #hairtutorial #blonde #blondehair | Wayne Tuggle
29K views · 4.9K reactions | Let’s cut some bangs #bangs #fringe #fringebangs #hanzonation #waynetugglehair #hairtutorial #blonde #blondehair | Wayne Tuggle
Na_cosmetic on Instagram: "Tutorial completo do lindo corte de cabelo chanel! Parabéns, @paulinhosilvestrecorecorte Gostou? Segue,curte e compartilhe #cabelo #cabeleireiro #visagismo #hairstyle #hair #tendências2025" on Instagram: "* the 70's Curved Fringe ... by @jhair_stylist w/ @arcscissors 🤌🤌🤌 this fringe is one of my all time favourites, it's super sexy, and can be worn in so many different ways, the way it curves around the cheekbone is super hot, and I LOVE how it looks when the hair is tied up. This fringe really shows the power of a haircut, @hallesofiabagley you look amazing. #Hair #haircut #bangs #fringe #arcsissors #MadeinJapan #neversettle #70shair #70sbangs #bangshairstyle #fringehaircut #hairtransformation #hairmakeover"
Joywin_Colour_jw1.0 on Instagram: "高层次发型分享小技巧#JoywinColour#珠光染#金炜#jw色彩#balayage#ombre#airtouch#발레아쥬#上海#上海染发#外国人風#ハイライトヘア#バレイヤージュ#歐美手刷染"
誰でも簡単カット動画/呉 等至 on Instagram‎: "ミディアムヘアのサイドアンダーセクションに角度を変えたグラデーション、レイヤーを入れて比べてみました! I compared it by adding gradients and layers that changed angles to the side undersection of medium hair! 在中发的侧下部分加入了改变角度的渐变、层次进行比较! 미디엄 헤어의 사이드 언더섹션에 각도를 바꾼 그라데이션, 레이어를 넣어 비교해 보았습니다! قارنت التدرج والطبقات التي غيرت الزاوية على الجانب السفلي من الشعر المتوسط! #cut#カット動画#クレカット #ミディアムヘア #レイヤーカット #フェイスレイヤー"‎
12K views · 5.5K reactions | 숏컷 모음집 ✂️🎥 각 파트별 다양한 형태를 기억해 두면, 살롱에서 고객의 다양한 니즈에 대응하기 쉬워집니다 🤗 저장해 두고 필요할때 꺼내보세요 🫶🫶🫶 | A_peak_company 대표
12K views · 5.5K reactions | 숏컷 모음집 ✂️🎥 각 파트별 다양한 형태를 기억해 두면, 살롱에서 고객의 다양한 니즈에 대응하기 쉬워집니다 🤗 저장해 두고 필요할때 꺼내보세요 🫶🫶🫶 | A_peak_company 대표
16K views · 526 reactions | 第四十集!!對比影片!The Hair video comes to episode 40th! 😎「寶藏乾貨篇」 Thank you for all your support to my cutting video, Make me actually updated to 40 episodes.🙌👏❤️ 居然已經更新了這麼多集~給自己一點掌聲👏 也謝謝大家的支持~ 【短髮】瀏海形狀 篇🌟💫 各位, 乾貨影片 之「對比」影片 真的來到 第40集~‼️❕✨ 圓形⭕️➕三角形🔺 用 一個影片 看懂 瀏海的形狀😎~ Dear all, Today update :Episode 40th🤩🎬 Haircutting Focus👀: 🌟Fringe Shape【 Round & Triangle】 1️⃣ Comb the hair section to the back, back to forward divided into three section. The hair section cut make the fringe into triangular shape. 2️⃣ Comb the hair section to the forward. Cut section from front to the back . The hair section cut make the fringe into round shape. 🌟上圖1️⃣ 【髮片方向】:像後拉✂️ 【剪裁效果】: 髮片逐漸放長☑️ 👍🏻💫:🔺 呈現出 後短前長的 三角形瀏海效果. 🌟下圖2️⃣ 【髮片方向】:像前拉✂️ 【 剪裁效果】:髮型前短後長☑️ 👍🏻🌟✨:⭕️ 呈現出 前短後長的 圓形瀏海效果. 速度影片 給大家看「對比」🆚 去參考✔️ 🔔希望大家都有小收穫😎 我的「剪髮系統課程 」 從原理上了解每個步驟和變化 長中短全部包括~ 三天全面提升🆙 🌟tips:❕ 剪裁方法還是要看想要的效果, 和精緻度去選擇 處理的方式, 最重要是剪裁控制力~ 再看客人髮質,髮量,髮況,效果可能有差異~ 會了嗎? 記得點贊收藏@nick剪髮不迷路 #shorthaircut #fringe #bangs #solutions #cuttingshapes #connection #haircutting #haircuts #skills #cutting #length #layer #scissors #頭髮 #髮型設計 #瀏海 #形狀 #瀏海處理 #連接 #髮型推薦 #長度形狀 #剪髮切口 #剪髮專門 #剪髮推薦 #系髮剪裁 #剪髮課程 #剪髮教學 #記得➕關注 點贊 和收藏😎 | Nick Kuo
16K views · 526 reactions | 第四十集!!對比影片!The Hair video comes to episode 40th! 😎「寶藏乾貨篇」 Thank you for all your support to my cutting video, Make me actually updated to 40 episodes.🙌👏❤️ 居然已經更新了這麼多集~給自己一點掌聲👏 也謝謝大家的支持~ 【短髮】瀏海形狀 篇🌟💫 各位, 乾貨影片 之「對比」影片 真的來到 第40集~‼️❕✨ 圓形⭕️➕三角形🔺 用 一個影片 看懂 瀏海的形狀😎~ Dear all, Today update :Episode 40th🤩🎬 Haircutting Focus👀: 🌟Fringe Shape【 Round & Triangle】 1️⃣ Comb the hair section to the back, back to forward divided into three section. The hair section cut make the fringe into triangular shape. 2️⃣ Comb the hair section to the forward. Cut section from front to the back . The hair section cut make the fringe into round shape. 🌟上圖1️⃣ 【髮片方向】:像後拉✂️ 【剪裁效果】: 髮片逐漸放長☑️ 👍🏻💫:🔺 呈現出 後短前長的 三角形瀏海效果. 🌟下圖2️⃣ 【髮片方向】:像前拉✂️ 【 剪裁效果】:髮型前短後長☑️ 👍?
9.3K views · 2K reactions | 【 Vertical & Diagonal & Horizontal 】➕ 垂直➕水平➕斜線「分區四種對比」🪮 1️⃣Vertical 垂直 2️⃣Diagonal Backward斜往後 3️⃣Diagonal Forward斜往前 4️⃣Horizontal 水平 😎「寶藏乾貨篇」 【分區】 方向篇🌟💫 各位: 第41集‼️❕✨更新了! 水平➕垂直➕斜線 用 一條影片 看懂 四種分區方向🧭😎~ Dear all, Today update :Episode 41th🤩🎬 Haircutting Focus👀: 🌟4 different Section types: 【 Vertical & Diagonal *2& Horizontal 】 1️⃣ Vertical helps Remove Weight 垂直分區 幫助去處重量 2️⃣ Diagonal Back :Flow Backward 斜向後分區 幫助朝後流向 3️⃣ Diagonal Forward的:Flow Forward 斜向前分區 幫助朝前流向 4️⃣ Horizontal helps Build Weight 水平分區 幫助建立量感 四個影片 給大家看「對比」🆚 去參考✔️ 🔔希望大家都有小收穫😎 我的「剪髮系統課程 」 從原理上了解每個步驟和變化 長中短全部包括~ 三天全面提升🆙 🌟tips:❕ 剪裁方法還是要看想要的效果, 和精緻度去選擇 處理的方式, 最重要是剪裁控制力~ 再看客人適合性、風格、髮質,髮量,髮況,髮性、頭型、臉型等效果可能有差異~ 會了嗎? 記得點贊收藏@nick剪髮不迷路 #vertical #diagonal #horzontal #curve #sections #removeweight #buildweight #solutions #cuttingshapes #connection #haircuts #haircutting #skills #cutting #length #layer #scissors #髮型設計 #剪髮推薦 #長髮髮型 #學習剪髮 #髮型推薦 #長度形狀 #剪髮切口 #剪髮專門 #剪髮推薦 #系髮剪裁 #剪髮課程 #剪髮教學 #記得➕關注 點贊 和收藏😎 | Nick Kuo
9.3K views · 2K reactions | 【 Vertical & Diagonal & Horizontal 】➕ 垂直➕水平➕斜線「分區四種對比」🪮 1️⃣Vertical 垂直 2️⃣Diagonal Backward斜往後 3️⃣Diagonal Forward斜往前 4️⃣Horizontal 水平 😎「寶藏乾貨篇」 【分區】 方向篇🌟💫 各位: 第41集‼️❕✨更新了! 水平➕垂直➕斜線 用 一條影片 看懂 四種分區方向🧭😎~ Dear all, Today update :Episode 41th🤩🎬 Haircutting Focus👀: 🌟4 different Section types: 【 Vertical & Diagonal *2& Horizontal 】 1️⃣ Vertical helps Remove Weight 垂直分區 幫助去處重量 2️⃣ Diagonal Back :Flow Backward 斜向後分區 幫助朝後流向 3️⃣ Diagonal Forward的:Flow Forward 斜向前分區 幫助朝前流向 4️⃣ Horizontal helps Build Weight 水平分區 幫助建立量感 四個影片 給大家看「對比」🆚 去參考✔️ 🔔希望大家都有小收穫😎 我的「剪髮系統課程 」 從原理上了解每個步驟和變化 長中短全部包括~ 三天全面提升🆙 🌟tips:❕ 剪裁方法還是要看想要的效果, 和精緻度去選擇 處理的方式, 最重要是剪裁控制力~ 再看客人適合性、風格、髮質,髮量,髮況,髮性、頭型、臉型等效果可能有差異~ 會了嗎? 記得點贊收藏@nick剪髮不迷路 #vertical #diagonal #horzon
Amela Glavatovic on Instagram: "Tutorial ✨ • • • • • • • __________________________________________________ #hairtransformation #hairtutorial #tutorial #highlights #balayage #layers #instagood #fashion #love #reels #viral #bob #bobhaircut #shorthair #bangs #fyp #explore #explorepage #new #instadaily #olaplex #hairbrained #new #bangs #flf #foryou @mgm_hairstudio"