Motivational Quotes for Teachers

I love to read motivational quotes daily. I'm the person that places sticky notes around my mirror in my bathroom. This helps me remain focused and on track with my goals. When I become an early childhood instructor, I'm sure I will have challenging days and reading these quotes on a regular basis will help me stay focused. I'm hoping these pins will also help other teachers throughout their journey.
11 Pins
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20 Quotes for Teachers That are Relatable and Inspirational - Mrs. D's Corner
Teachers can't show their true feelings toward students if it will leave a negative impact. I know that all teachers will not feel the same about all students, but no matter what, we have to treat them all with dignity and respect. They will in turn give the same treatment back to those teachers - some immediately and others in the future.
A Little Inspiration... - Peas in a Pod Lessons
It's more to teaching that reciting words and numbers. We also have to reach the hearts of our students so that they can be well-rounded adults. They depend on teachers more than we know.
Does Your Subconscious Mind Secretly Crave Failure?
We have to instill in our students that the more they know, the further they can go in life. Once they have knowledge, that is something no person can take away from them.
Top 10 Education Quotes
Nobody said it would be easy going to school, but once we make it to the end, it will definitely be worth it. The sky is the limit.
Aristotle On Education Quotes. QuotesGram
This motivational quote states the importance of great teachers. We are not often enough recognized, but we have to believe that we play a huge role in the lives of our students.
Teaching Resources, Teacher Express for eBooks, Binders, Supplies and Sales from Scholastic
Some students unfortunately go through getting bullied. We as teachers have to continue to teach our students that it's o.k. to stand alone if they are standing for what is right.
Home • Engaging Teaching - Traci Clausen
This pin stuck out to me and made me reminisce on my 4th grade teacher. She was very caring, loving and concerned for her students. She took time out to talk to us in private about anything that was bothering us. So although I can't remember everything she said, she made a huge impact on how I view life as an adult.
Teaching doesn't have to be boring. Our students want to have fun and learn all at the same time. This is possible!
Quotes about Education 5 - Pretty Designs
I found this pin to be a huge part on how teachers teach. We as teachers can't continue teaching a class and not be effective; therefore, we must adjust our teaching to reach each and every student.