A História Do Átomo
A História Do Átomo
A História Do Átomo
O Laboratrio de Rutherford
O Atomismo Grego
O Sculo XIX
O Incio da Radioatividade
As Origens da Mecnica Quntica
A Nova Mecnica Quntica
O Nutron
A Fisso
O Primeiro Reator
Referncias Bibliogrficas
Recebi com grande satisfao o convite da Academia de Cincias de So
Paulo para me associar s homenagens prestadas ao Professor Marcello
Damy de Souza Santos.
"It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are
both but different manifestations of the same thing - a somewhat unfamiliar
conception to the average man. Furthermore, the equation E is equal to MC 2 in
which energy is but equal to mass multiplied with the square of the velocity of light,
showed that very small amount of mass may be converted into a very large amount
of energy and vice versa - that mass is
"Fermi told me at the time that the quickest way to the chain reaction and
all its consequences was to make a chain reaction that could probably be done first
and most easily by the techniques most familiar to him, using natural uranium. And
so, we launched on a career of trying first of all to see whether neutrons were
emitted and in what number. And a great deal of emphasis was placed on the
quantitative aspects of the subject. The paper, "The prod
O Primeiro Reator
"We entered the balcony at one end of the room. On the balcony a dozen
scientists were watching the instruments and handling the controls. Across the room
was a large cubical pile of graphite and uranium blocks in which we hoped the
atomic chain reaction would develop. Inserted into openings in this pile of blocks
were control and safety rods. After a few preliminary tests, Fermi gave the order to
withdraw the control rod another foot, we knew that was g
Referncias Bibliogrficas