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Marinha 2016 Escola Naval Aspirante 2 Dia Prova

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Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes de 01 a 14..

Laivos de memria

"... e quando tiverem chegado, vitoriosamente,

ao fim dessa primeira etapa,
mais ainda se convencero de que
abraaram uma carreira difcil,
rdua, cheia de sacrifcios,
mas til, nobre e, sobretudo bela."

(NOSSA VOGA, Escola Naval, Ilha de Villegagnon, 1964)

H quase 50 anos, experimentei um misto de angstia,

tristeza e ansiedade que meu jovem corao de adolescente
soube suportar com bravura.
Naquela ocasio, despedia-me dos amigos de infncia e
da famlia e deixava para trs buclica cidadezinha da
regio serrana fluminense. A motivao que me levava a
abandonar gentes e coisas to caras era, naquele momento,
suficientemente forte para respaldar a deciso tomada de dar
novos rumos minha vida. Meu mundo de ento se tornara
pequeno demais para as minhas aspiraes. Meus desejos e
sonhos projetavam horizontes que iam muito alm das
montanhas que circundam minha terra natal.
Como resistir seduo e ao fascnio que a vida no mar
desperta nos coraes dos jovens?
Havia, portanto, uma convico: aquelas despedidas,
ainda que dolorosas - e despedidas so sempre dolorosas -
no seriam certamente em vo. No tinha dvidas de que os
sonhos que acalentavam meu corao pouco a pouco iriam se
converter em realidade.
Em maro de 1962, desembarcvamos do Aviso Rio das
Contas na ponte de atracao do Colgio Naval, como
integrantes de mais uma Turma desse tradicional
estabelecimento de ensino da Marinha do Brasil,
Ainda que a ansiedade persistisse oprimindo o peito dos
novos e orgulhosos Alunos do Colgio Naval, no posso negar
que a tristeza, que antes havia ocupado espao em nossos
coraes, era naquele momento substituda pelo contentamento
peculiar dos vitoriosos. E o sentimento de perda,
experimentado por ocasio das despedidas, provara-se
equivocado: s nossas caras famlias de origem agregava-se
uma nova, a Famlia Naval, composta pelos recm-chegados
companheiros; e s respectivas cidades de nascimento,

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


como a minha buclica Bom Jardim, juntava-se, naquele
instante, a bela e graciosa enseada Batista das Neves em
Angra dos Reis, como mais tarde se agregaria a histrica
Villegagnon em meio sublime baia de Guanabara.
Ao todo foram seis anos de companheirismo e feliz
convivncia, tanto no Colgio como na Escola Naval. Seis
anos de aprendizagem cientfica, humanstica e, sobretudo,
militar-naval. Seis anos entremeados de aulas, festivais de
provas, prticas esportivas, remo, vela, cabo de guerra,
navegao, marinharia, ordem-unida, atividades extraclasses,
recreativas, culturais e sociais, que deixaram marcas
Estes e tantos outros smbolos, objetos e aconteci
mentos passados desfilam hoje, deliciosa e inexoravelmente
distantes, em meio a saudosos devaneios.
Ainda como alunos do Colgio Naval, os contatos preli
minares com a vida de bordo e as primeiras idas para o mar -
a razo de ser da carreira naval.
Como Aspirantes, derrotas mais longas e as primeiras
descobertas: Santos, Salvador, Recife e Fortaleza!
Fechando o ciclo das Viagens de Instruo, o to
sonhado embarque no Navio-Escola. Viagem maravilhosa! Ns,
da Turma Mguens, Guardas-Marinha de 1967, tivemos a
oportunidade mpar e rara de participar de um cruzeiro ao
redor do mundo em 1968: a Quinta Circum-navegao da Marinha
Aps o regresso, as platinas de Segundo-Tenente, o
primeiro embarque efetivo e o verdadeiro incio da vida
profissional - no meu caso, a bordo do cruzador Tamandar, o
inesquecvel C-12. Era a inevitvel separao da Turma do
CN-62/63 e da EN-64/67.
Novamente um misto de satisfao e ansiedade tomou
conta do corao, agora do jovem Tenente, ao se apresentar
para servir a bordo de um navio de nossa Esquadra. Aps
proveitosos, mas descontrados estgios de instruo como
Aspirante e Guarda-Marinha, quando as responsabilidades eram
restritas a compromissos curriculares, as platinas de
Oficial comeariam, finalmente, a pesar forte em nossos
ombros. Sobre essa transio do status de Guarda-Marinha
para Tenente, o notvel escritor-marinheiro Gasto Penalva
escrevera com muita propriedade: "... a fase inesquecvel
de nosso ofcio. Coincide exatamente com a adolescncia,
primavera da vida. Tudo so flores e iluses... Depois
comeam a despontar as responsabilidades, as agruras de
novos cargos, o acmulo de deveres novos".

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


E esses novos cargos e deveres novos, que foram se
multiplicando a bordo de velhos e saudosos navios, deixariam
agradveis e duradouras lembranas em nossa memria, Com o
passar dos tempos, inmeros Conveses e Praa d'Armas, hoje
saudosas, foram se incorporando ao acervo
profissional-afetivo de cada um dos integrantes daquela
Turma de Guardas-Marinha de 1967.
A h ! Como gratifleante, ainda que melanclico,
repassar tantas lembranas, tantos termos expressivos, tanta
giria maruja, tantas tradies, fainas e eventos to
intensamente vividos a bordo de inesquecveis e saudosos
E as viagens foram se multiplicando ao longo de bem
aproveitados anos de embarque, de centenas de dias de mar e
de milhares de milhas navegadas em alto mar, singrando as
extensas massas lquidas que formam os grandes oceanos, ou
ao longo das guas costeiras que banham os recortados
litorais, com passagens, visitas e arribadas em um sem
nmero de enseadas, baas, barras, angras, estreitos, furos
e canais espalhados pelos quatro cantos do mundo,
percorridos nem sempre com mares bonanosos e ventos
tranquilos e favorveis.
Inmeros foram tambm os portos e cidades visitadas,
no s no Brasil como no exterior, o que sempre nos
proporciona inestimveis e valiosos conhecimentos,
principalmente graas ao contato com povos diferentes e at
mesmo de culturas exticas e hbitos s vezes totalmente
diversos dos nossos, como os ribeirinhos amazonenses ou os
criadores de serpentes da antiga Taprobana, ex-Ceilo e hoje
Siri Lanka .
Como foi fascinante e delicioso navegar por todos esses
cantos. Cada novo mar percorrido, cada nova enseada,
estreito ou porto visitado tinha sempre um gosto especial de
descoberta... Sim, pois, como dizia Cmara Cascudo, "o mar
no guarda os vestgios das quilhas que o atravessam. Cada
marinheiro tem a iluso cordial do descobrimento.

(CSAR, CMG (RMl) William Carmo. Laivos de memria. In: Revista

de Villegagnon, Ano IV, n 4, 2009. p. 42-50. Texto adaptado)

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


1) Marque a opo em que a reescritura do trecho "Meu mundo de
ento se tornara pequeno demais para as minhas aspiraes"
(2 ) mantm seu sentido original e respeita a norma

(A) Meu mundo, ento, tinha se tornado pequeno, demais para

as minhas aspiraes,
(B) Meu mundo de, ento, tornara-se pequeno, demais, para as
minhas aspiraes.
(C) Meu mundo de ento tinha se tornado pequeno demais para
as minhas aspiraes.
(D) Meu mundo, ento, tornar-se- pequeno demais para as
minhas aspiraes.
(E) Meu mundo, ento, tornou-se pequeno, demais para as
minhas aspiraes.

2) Em que opo os dois termos, destacados da epgrafe Nossa

Voga, caracterizam o jogo antittico das idias sobre a
carreira militar-naval, expostas pelo autor?

(A) Nobre/til.
(B) Bela/nobre.
(C) Difcil/rdua.
(D) Sacrifcios/bela.
(E) rdua/sacrifcios.

3) Assinale a opo em que o uso da nclise se d pelo mesmo

motivo observado e m : "Naquela ocasio, despeda-me dos
amigos de infncia e da famlia (2)

(A) Os Aspirantes sentiam-se orgulhosos de suas conquistas

(B) Aqui, instalaram-se comodamente os atletas brasileiros,
durante os Jogos Olmpicos.
(C) A me da jovem Aspirante tinha-lhe observado a
importncia da escolha profissional.
(D) Relatou-nos, com detalhes, as aventuras e desventuras de
sua ltima viagem de barco.
(E) Os alunos no estavam gostando do livro, mas continuavam
a 1e 1o .

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


4) Em que opo o plural do substantivo composto segue a mesma
regra de flexo do termo destacado em o to sonhado
embarque no Navio-Escola.11 (11)?

(A) gua-marinha valiosa.

(B) obra-prima da Natureza.
(C) vitria-rgia da Amaznia.
(D) salrio-famlia irrisrio.
(E) carta-bilhete do Aspirante.

5) Assinale a opo em que a troca de posio dos termos

acarreta alterao de sentido.

(A) "[...]novos cargos e deveres novos[,..]"(14)/ cargos

novos e novos deveres.
(B) "[...] a bordo de velhos e saudosos n a v i o s (14)/ a
bordo de navios velhos e saudosos.
(C) "[...]agradveis e duradouras lembranas[...]"(14)/
lembranas agradveis e duradouras.
(D) "[...]inesquecveis e saudosos navios[...]" (15)/
navios inesquecveis e saudosos.
(E) inestimveis e valiosos conhecimentos[...]"(17)/
conhecimentos valiosos e inestimveis.

6) No trecho 11H quase 50 anos, experimentei um misto de

angstia, tristeza e ansiedade que meu jovem corao de
adolescente soube suportar com bravura" (1), o autor usou
uma figura de linguagem denominada

(A) catacrese.
(B) eufemismo.
(C) hiprbole,
(D) prosopopeia.
(E) paradoxo.

Prova Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


7} Leia o trecho a seguir:

"Como gratificante, ainda que melanclico, repassar tantas

lembranas, tantos termos expressivos, tanta giria maruja,
tantas tradies, fainas e eventos (15)
Os termos destacados servem para estabelecer o processo de
coeso denominado

(A) elipse.
(B) sequenciao.
(C) substituio,
(D) referenciao.
(E) paralelismo.

8) Em que opo o autor apresenta a soluo positiva para as

perdas decorrentes de sua escolha profissional?

(A) "[...]experimentei um misto de angstia, tristeza e

ansiedade que meu jovem corao de adolescente soube
suportar com bravura." (1)
(B) [...]aquelas despedidas, ainda que dolorosas - e
despedidas so sempre dolorosas - no seriam certamente
em vo. (4)
(C) [* * ]s nossas caras famlias de origem agregava-se uma
nova, a Famlia Naval, composta pelos recm-chegados
companheiros..." (6)
(D) "[...]tivemos a oportunidade mpar e rara de participar
de um cruzeiro ao redor do mundo em 1968: a Quinta
Circum-navegao da Marinha Brasileira." (11)
{E) um misto de satisfao e ansiedade tomou conta do
corao, agora do jovem Tenente, ao se apresentar para
servir a bordo de um navio de nossa Esquadra." <13)

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


9) Assinale a opo em que o comentrio sobre o fragmento
"Novamente um misto de satisfao e ansiedade tomou conta do
corao, agora do jovem Tenente (13) est correto,

(A) 0 trecho contribu para manter a coerncia interna no

relato do autor.
(B) A palavra "novamente" antecipa uma informao nova
relacionada ao tenente.
(C) 0 fragmento faz referncia capacidade imaginativa dos
jovens oficiais.
(D) 0 autor se refere a um amigo que tambm se tornara
Tenente na mesma poca.
(E) Os sentimentos de satisfao e ansiedade se excluem
naquele momento.

10) Em que opo encontra-se uma palavra, cujo processo de

formao o mesmo do termo destacado em o to
sonhado embarque (11)

(A) "[...] circundam minha t e r r a ( 2 )

(B) "[...] no seriam certamente em v o." (4 )
(C) "E o sentimento de perda (6a)
(D) "Seis anos entremeados de aulas, (7)
(E) "[...] o notvel escritor-marinheiro [...]." (13)

11) Assinale a opo em que o uso do acento grave, indicativo da

crase, facultativo.

(A) "[...] novos rumos minha vida." (2)

(B) resistir seduo e ao f a s c n i o (3)
(C) "[...] s nossas caras famlias de o r i g e m [ ( 6 )
(D) s respectivas cidades de nascimento[...]" (6)
(E) "[...] s vezes totalmente d i v e r s o s ( 1 7 )

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


12) Leia o trecho:

"Estes e tantos outros smbolos, objetos e acontecimentos

passados desfilam hoje, deliciosa e inexoravelmente
distantes, em meio a saudosos devaneios." (8)
Assinale a opo em que a acepo da palavra destacada est
corretamente indicada.

(A) Implacavelmente.
{B ) Instigantemente.
(C) Incontavelmente
(D) Interiormente.
(E) Incomumente.

13) Assinale a opo em que a concordncia do verbo ser

justifica-se pela mesma regra observada em: "[...] Tudo so
flores e iluses " (13)

(A) Dez anos velejando sempre ser muito tempo de viagem.

(B) 0 que aconteceu de importante na viagem foram os
(C) O navio j atracou, o mais seriam especulaes sem
(D) Eram quase vinte horas quando os tripulantes
(E) Durante uma perigosa travessia, todo ele olhos e

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


14) Observe o elemento coesivo destacado no trecho a seguir.

"Inmeros foram tambm os portos e cidades visitadas, no s

no Brasil como no exterior, o que sempre nos proporciona
inestimveis e valiosos conhecimentos (17)
Marque a opo em que foi usado um conector com significado
semelhante ao do elemento destacado no trecho acima.

(A) Ontem relampeou muito, de modo que as instalaes

eltricas de minha casa ficaram prejudicadas.
(B) Meus primos so inteligentes como o pai, e isso algo
que nos causa admirao,
(C) Tanto Manuela quanto Rafaela estudam na mesma
instituio de ensino superior.
(D) Visto que voc quer viajar conosco, precisamos combinar
algumas coisas previamente.
(E) 0 diretor da empresa est em viagem esta semana,
conforme foi divulgado semana passada.

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes de 15 a 20.

Sobre o mar e o navio

Na guerra naval, existem ainda algumas peculiaridades

que merecem ser abordadas.
Uma delas diz respeitoao cenrio das batalhas: o m ar.
Diferente, em linhasgerais, dos teatros de operaes
terrestres, o mar no tem limites, no tem fronteiras
definidas, a no ser nas proximidades dos litorais, nos
estreitos, nas baias e enseadas.
Em uma batalha em mar aberto, certamente, podero ser
empregadas manobras tticas diversas dos engajamentos
efetuados em rea martima restrita. Nelas, as foras navais
podem se valer das caractersticas geogrficas locais, como
fez o comandante naval grego Temstocles, em 480 a .C . ao
atrair as foras persas para a baa de Salamina, onde pde
proteger os flancos de sua formatura, evitando o
envolvimento pela fora naval numericamente superior dos
invasores persas.
As condies meteorolgicas so outros fatores que
tambm afetam, muitas vezes de forma drstica, as operaes
nos teatros martimos, O mar grosso, os vendavais, ou mesmo
as longas calmarias, especialmente na era da vela, so
responsveis por grandes transtornos ao governo dos navios,
dificultando fainas e manobras e, no poucas vezes,
interferindo nos resultados das aes navais ou mesmo
impedindo o engajamento. oportuno relembrar que o vento e
a fora do mar destruram as esquadras persa (490 a .C .) ,
mongol (1281) e a incrvel Armada Espanhola (1588), salvando
respectivamente a Grcia, o Japo (que denominou de kamikaze
o vento divino salvador) e a Inglaterra daqueles invasores
vindos do mar.
O cenrio martimo tambm o responsvel pela causa
mortis da maioria dos tripulantes dos navios afundados nas
batalhas navais, cujas baixas por afogamento so certamente
mais numerosas do que as causadas pelos ferimentos dos
impactos dos projteis, dos estilhaos e dos abalroamentos.
Em maio de 1941, o cruzador de batalha britnico HMS Hood,
atingido pelo fogo da artilharia do Bismarck, afundou, em
poucos minutos, levando para o fundo cerca de 1.400
tripulantes, dos quais apenas trs sobreviveram.

Prova Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Alis, o instante do afundamento de um navio um
momento crucial para a sobrevivncia daqueles tripulantes
que conseguem saltar ou so jogados ao mar, pois o efeito da
suco pode arrastar para o fundo os tripulantes que
estiverem nas proximidades do navio no momento da submerso.
Por sua vez, os nufragos podem permanecer dias, semanas em
suas balsas deriva, em um mar batido pela ao de ventos,
continuamente borrifadas pelas guas salgadas, sofrendo o
calor tropical escaldante ou o frio intenso das altas
latitudes, como nos mares rtico, do Norte ou Bltico, cujas
baixas temperaturas dos tempos invernais limitam cabalmente
o tempo de permanncia n 'gua dos nufragos, tornando
fundamental para a sua sobrevivncia a rapidez do socorro
0 navio tambm um engenho de guerra singular. Ao
mesmo tempo morada e local de trabalho do marinheiro, graas
sua mobilidade, tem a capacidade de conduzir homens e
armas at o cenrio da guerra. Plataforma blica plena e
integral, engaja batalhas, sofre derrotas, naufraga ou
conquista vitrias, tornando-se quase sempre objeto
inesquecvel da histria de sua marinha e pas.

(CESAR, William Carmo. Sobre o mar e o navio. In:____ . Uma

histria das Guerras Navais: o desenvolvimento tecnolgico
das belonaves e o emprego do Poder Naval ao longo dos
tempos. Rio de Janeiro: FEMAR, 2013. p. 396-398)

15) Assinale a opo em que a orao subordinada reduzida est

corretamente classificada.

(A) "[...] ao atrair as foras persas para a baa de

Salamina (3) - subordinada adverbial final
(B) "[...] dificultando fainas e manobras e, no poucas
vezes, [...]" (4) - subordinada substantiva subjetiva
(C) atingido pelo fogo da artilharia do Bismarck
[...] (5) - subordinada adjetiva restritiva
(D) "[...] sofrendo o calor tropical escaldante ou o frio
intenso (6) - subordinada adverbial causai
(E) "[...] de conduzir homens e armas at o cenrio da
guerra." (7 ) - subordinada substantiva completiva

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


16) Leia o trecho a seguir:

como fez o comandante naval grego Temstocles, em 480

a .C . ao atrair as foras persas para a baa de Salamina
[...]" (3 )

De acordo com a orientao argumentativa do texto, assinale

a opo em que o significado discursivo da palavra destacada
acima est correto.

(A) Comparao.
(B) Generalizao.
(C) Explicao.
(D) Exemplificao.
(E) Confirmao.

17) Assinale a opo que indica corretamente o referente do

elemento coesivo destacado.

(A) "Uma delas diz respeito ao cenrio das batalhas[...]"

(2) - linhas gerais
(B) "[...] so outros fatores que tambm afetam[,.,] as
operaes (4) - as condies meteorolgicas
(C) cujas baixas por afogamento so certamente mais
numerosas (5) - batalhas navais
(D) "[...]cerca de 1400 tripulantes, dos quais apenas trs
sobreviveram,"(5) - trs
{E ) "[...] tornando-se quase sempre objeto inesquecvel da
histria de sua marinha e pas." (7) - o navio

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


18) Considerando a regncia, assinale a opo em que a troca da
preposio NO altera a relao de sentido estabelecida
entre os termos.

(A) "[. ..] capacidade de conduzir homens e armas [...]"

(7) - capacidade para conduzir homens e armas.
{B ) momento crucial para a sobrevivncia (6)
~ momento crucial da sobrevivncia.
{C )"[,,,] envolvimento pela fora naval [...]" (3) -
envolvimento da fora naval.
(D ] respeito ao cenrio das batalhas [...]" (2) -
respeito perante o cenrio das batalhas,
(E) "[...] podem se valer das caractersticas [. .,](3) -
podem se valer com as caractersticas.

19) Marque a opo em que a funo sinttica do pronome relativo

est corretamente indicada,

(A) "[.,.] que merecem ser abordadas," (1) - objeto direto

( B ) onde pde proteger [...]" (3) - adjunto
(C)"[...] cujas baixas por afogamento (5) - aposto
( D ) dos quais apenas trs [...]" (5) - objeto
( E ) que conseguem saltar [...]" (6) - adjunto

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


20) Assinale a opo em que o comentrio sobre o emprego do
sinal de pontuao est correto.

(A) "Uma delas diz respeito ao cenrio das batalhas: o mar."

(2) - os dois pontos foram empregados para anunciar
uma enumerao explicativa sobre o mar.
(B) "[...] o vento e a fora do mar destruram as esquadras
persa (490 a.C.), mongol{1281) e a invencvel Armada
Espanhola (1588) (4) - o uso dos parnteses e
das vrgulas destaca um comentrio margem do que se
a firma.
(C) "[...] salvando respectivamente a Grcia, o Japo(que
denominou de kamikaze o vento divino salvador) [...] ."
(40) - os parnteses foram empregados para indicar uma
nota emocional naquilo que o autor relata.
(D) "Alis, o instante do afundamento de um navio um
momento c r u c i a l ( 6 ) - a vrgula foi utilizada
para separar um aposto, indicando a supresso de um
grupo de palavras.
(E) "O navio tambm um engenho de guerra singular." (7)
- o ponto empregado para indicar o trmino de uma
orao declarativa, assinalando uma pausa no enunciado.

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.

Navy looking for drone operator flying device around

Washington state base

Published February 27, 2016 Foxnews.com

(I) _____
A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base Kitsap-
Bangor reported seeing the drone, spokeswoman Silvia Klatman
told Military.com.
According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone
above the base without the permission of the Navy. "It's our
intent to support the investigation and prosecution of this
reported act, and any others that may occur, in coordination
with civilian law enforcement," Klatman said.
Military.com reported that agents interviewed families
who lived in houses surrounding the base. (II) _______
Officials said the drones were seen operating at night. "It
could be a hoax, but worst-case scenario, it could be
clandestine, a foreign government, a cell," A1 Starcevich,
whose family's house is located between the base and Hood
Canal in Washington, told the website. "The creepy thing is
they1re only doing it at night. (Ill) ______ "
Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him
there had been repeated incidents around the base involving
an alleged drone.
Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor's airspace was designated as
"prohibited" by the FAA in May 2005, at the request of the
Navy. (IV) ______ The prohibited area extends to the water
across Hood Canal and the Navy-owned portion of Toandos
Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at
Bremerton National Airport, said security forces are
supposed to shoot down aircraft that violate the FAA riiles.
The Bangor base houses eight of the Navy's 14
ballistic-missile submarines, according to Military,com.
Each can carry up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear

Prova Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


The Defense Department has held countless classified
exercises to counter possible drone attacks, The Seattle
Times reported. Last year, one exercise included a Marine
sniper shooting one down from a military helicopter,


21) By reading the text, we CANNOT state that

(A) the Navy plans to work with non-military agencies on the

(B) there has been more than one report on drones in that
(C) there has been a huge number of exercises to fight
drones .
(D) the Navy controls part of Toandos Peninsula.
(E) the Defense Department has shot down a spy drone.

22) The sentences below have been removed from the text and
replaced by (I), (II), (III) and (IV). Number them to
indicate the order they must appear to complete the text
correctly. Then choose the option that contains that

( ) They said they haven't seen anything unusual.

{ ) No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area
up 2,500 feet.
( ) The U.S. Navy is searching for the operator of a drone
that has been seen flying near a Washington state naval
base at night since Feb. 8.
( ) What are you going to see at night unless you have an
infrared camera?

(A) (II) (IV) (I) (III)

(B) (II)(I)(III) (IV)
(C) (IV) (II) (I) (III)
(D) (IV) (II) (III) (I)
(E) (II) (III) (I) (IV)

P rova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


23) According to the text, it is right to say that

(A) there are 14 submarines on Bangor base at house eight.

(B) the total number of missiles on Bangor base is 24.
(C) there are six submarines that are not kept on Bangor
(D) half of all Navy's submarines are kept on Bangor Base.
(E) there are eight houses for the Bangor base submarines.

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Based on the text below,, answer question 24.

The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center

Welcome to the Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center of the

United States Naval Academy. Visit the United States Naval
Academy in Annapolis, MD to see where future officers are
educated and trained.
The Visitor Center is conveniently located inside USNA
Gate 1 at the Annapolis harbor. Pedestrian entrances are on
Prince George and Randall Streets. The Visitor Center
provides guided historical tours for visitors, as well as
Anyone 18 or older must show a government-issued photo
ID or original passport to enter USNA grounds. Visitors from
the states of Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico and
Washington are required to present a SECOND PHOTO ID.
The Visitor Center is the first stop on a visit to the
undergraduate college of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine
Corps. Information specialists welcome visitors to view the
13-minute film, "The Call to Serve", and to take a guided
walking tour with a professional, certified guide.

Admissions Information
United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings,
lasting approximately one hour, are held at 10:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on the second deck of
the Visitor Center.

U.S. Naval Academy Museum

The museum's artifacts are displayed in galleries
located on two floors in Preble Hall. The first floor is
devoted to the exhibit entitled "Leadership and Service: The
History of the United States Navy and the Naval Academy".
The famous Rogers Collection of antique ship models is the
focus of the second floor exhibit.

(Adapted from http://www.usnabsd.com/for-visitors)

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24} According to the text, which statement is correct?

(A) There is a single pedestrian entrance, which is located

on Prince George Street.
{B ) People under eighteen are required to show a photo ID or
original passport to visit USNA.
(C) "The Call to Serve", a film that lasts less than thirty
minutes, is shown to visitors.
(D) United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings take
place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p .m., six days a week.
(E) The museum presents an exhibit called "Leadership and
Service" on the second floor.

Prova Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Based on the text below, answer questions 25 and 26.

Additional Factors That Affect Sleep Comfort

By Richard A. Staehler, MD

The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for
patients with pain and sleep difficulty. Many other factors
need to be considered that may affect sleep, including;

- medication side effects;

- irregular sleep patterns;
- caffeine/alcohol/tobacco use;
- sleep apnea;
- anxiety/stress.

If comfort is not the only thing making sleep difficult,

it is advisable for the patient to consult his or her family
physician to discuss other possible causes and treatments
for sleeplessness.
If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain,
there may be an underlying back condition that has nothing
to do with the mattress. It is always advisable for people
with back pain to consult with a health care provider for a
thorough exam, diagnosis, and treatment program.
As a reminder, sleep comfort is first and foremost a
matter of personal preference. No one should expect that
switching mattresses or beds will cure their lower back
pain, and changes in the type of bed or mattress used should
be made solely for the sake of comfort,

(Adapted from http;//www.spine-health,com/wellness/sleep/additional-

factors-affect -sleep-comfort )

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25) Which option expresses a recommendation?

(A) "The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor
for patients with pain and sleep difficulty."
(B) "Many other factors need to be considered that may
affect sleep [...] ."
(C) " it is advisable for the patient to consult his or
her family physician ,"
(D) "If anyone experiences significant or persistent back
pain ."
(E) " sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of
personal preference."

26) Considering the text, the word "solely" in "[...] changes in

the type of bed or mattress used should be made solely for
the sake of comfort." means

(A) only.
(B) mainly.
(C) nearly.
(D ) lately.
(E ) quickly.

Prova Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.

Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers

By Jane E. Brody October 20, 2014

Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal

for their age, but experts agree that teenagers are more
likely to fall short than anyone else.
Researchers report that the average adolescent needs
eight and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep each
night. However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National
Sleep Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that
much rest on school nights. With the profusion of personal
electronics, the current percentage is believed to be even
worse. A study in Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of
children in the 10th grade and only 3 percent in the 12th
grade get the recommended amount of sleep. Two in three
teens were found to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two
or more hours of sleep every night. The causes can be
biological, behavioral or environmental. The effect on the
well-being of adolescents on their health and academic
potential can be profound.
Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risks
of high blood pressure and heart disease, Type 2 diabetes
and obesity, said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist
at Children's National Health System in Washington.
Sleeplessness is also linked to risk-taking behavior,
depression, suicidal ideation and car accidents.
Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making
skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a
critical stage of development in adolescence," D r . Owens
said. With the current intense concern about raising
academic achievement, it is worth noting that a study by
Kyla Wahlstrom of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public
high schools showed that starting school a half-hour later
resulted in an hour's more sleep a night and an increase in
the students' grade point averages and standardized test

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When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian
rhythm makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough
to get the requisite number of hours and still make it to
school on time. A teenagers sleep-wake cycle can shift as
much as two hours, making it difficult to fall asleep before
11 p.m. If school starts at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to
get enough sleep. Based on biological sleep needs, a
teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m, should be getting up
around 8 a.m.
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are
myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep
time, like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A
stream of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook
and Instagram keep many awake long into the night.
Parents should consider instituting an electronic
curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in
the bedroom, D r . Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many
teenagers lead overscheduled lives that can lead to short
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and
minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and
safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful
sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for
sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an
adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag.
Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock,
making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake
up on time for school Monday morning.

(Adapted and abridged from http://www.nytimes.com)

27) What does the pronoun "their" refer to in the excerpt

"Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock,
making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake
up on time for school Monday morning."?

(A) Teenagers.
(B) Minority families.
(C) Safety concerns.
(D) Weekends,
(E) Parents.

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28) Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.

(A) Most Americans are sleep deprived nowadays but teenagers

are the age group mostly affected by it.
(B) Sleep deprivation may lead to several diseases such as
diabetes, obesity and depression.
(C) For a teenager, falling asleep early is only a matter of
(D) According to research done is some schools, starting
classes half an hour later increased student performance,
(E) A teenager's social status may influence his/her sleeping
habits .

29) Which words are similar in meaning to ''curb" and "curfew" in

the following extracts: "Insufficient sleep also impairs
judgment, decision-making skills and the ability to curb
impulses [...] ." and "Parents should consider instituting an
electronic curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting
devices in the bedroom [...] ."?

(A) restrict/device
(B) restrict/limit
(C) restrict/delay
(D) encourage/device
(E) encourage/delay

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30) Which option best completes the paragraph below?

Eat healthy

In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy ________

through a drive-through window to grab something to eat. It
is also easy ______ into a gas station ______ a bag of
chips, a soda, and some candy. However, ______ this is not
the best choice for our bodies. Simply put - the more junk
you put into your body, the worse you are going to feel. Try
______ your body with healthy food, drink plenty of water,
and skip fast food lines as much as you can to feel healthy
and happy.
(Abridged from http://www.teenadvice.about.com)

(A) driving/stopping/to buy/to do/to nourish

(B) driving/stopping/to buy/doing/to nourish
(C) to drive/to stop/to buy/doing/to nourish
(D) to drive/to stop/buying/doing/nourishing
(E) to drive/to stop/to buy/to do/nourishing

31) Analyze these sentences.

I - The boss discussed about the new sales report,

II - Does the coefficient of kinetic friction depend on
Ill- My son finally succeeded in finding a new job.
IV - Some people still blame the driver on the accident.
V - H e apologized for his girlfriend to being late.

Choose the correct option.

(A) Only I and II are grammatically correct.

(B) Only II and III are grammatically correct.
(C) Only II and IV are grammatically correct,
(D) Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
(E) Only II and V are grammatically correct.

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32) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body

Let's be honest, we could all do with looking ,

____ _____
ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-being
tricks to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the
benefits .
Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.

(http://www .mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/25-simple-health-tips-boost-

(A) for
(B) up
(C) to
{D ) after
(E) into

33) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Electric Bikes

The US is different from other countries when it comes

to electric bikes. Nearly 32m e-bikes _ _ _ _ _ in 2014, most
of them in China, where they are primarily used for
transportation. They are popular in much of Europe, too.
They are common in the Netherlands and Switzerland; German
postal workers use them to get around and BMW offers one for
about $3,000.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or
mopeds, which rely on motorized power; they are bicycles
that ______ with - or without - help from an electric motor.
Riding an e-bike feels like riding a normal bike with a
strong wind behind you; the motor just helps you to go
faster or climb hills. Unlike mopeds, e-bicycles ________ on
bike paths and they cannot travel faster than 20mph.

(Abridged from w w w .theguardian.com)

(A) were sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted

(B) were sold/can pedal/usually permit
(C) are sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted
(D) have been sold/can pedal/usually permit
(E) have been sold/can be pedaled/are usually permitted

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


34) Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?

(A) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet
surely survives.
(B) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press
Control-Power button.
(C) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave
(D) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize
how special you are.
(E) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stop
all contact with my boyfriend.

35) Choose the correct option to complete the text below.

International Congress

Join us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ our 2016 International Education

Conference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orlando, at the Disney's Boardwalk Inn!
The Boardwalk is located within the Walt Disney World Resort
and 10 minutes away ______ the Epcot Theme Park. In addition
to the Education Conference, we are also hosting a Business
Conference that will be held on the same days, at the same

(Abridged from http://www,eluteinstitute.com/education-conferences/)

(A) in/in/at
(B) on/in/under
(C) at/at/under
(D) at/in/from
(E) in/at/from

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


36) What is the correct option to complete the text below?

Mosquito Screens to Be Used at Rio Games

Even as athletes grow increasingly concerned about

_______ outbreak of _______ Zika virus in Brazil, _______
organizing committee for the August Olympics in Rio de
Janeiro said it would charge national delegations to have
mosquito screens on athletes' rooms,
_____ screens, one measure Brazilians are using to help
ward off the mosquito that is the primary transmitter of
Zika, will be installed in communal areas "where required,"
but affixed to lodging only if national delegations decide
to pay for it, said Philip Wilkinson, ______ spokesman for
the Rio 2016 organizing committee.


(A) an/-/the/-/an
(B) the/the/the/the/a
(C) the/a/the/the/a
(D) an/the/-/the/a
(E) the/the/the/the/an

37) Choose the best reply to the statement below.

I went to school yesterday.

(A) So I did.
(B) So did I .
(C) Nor I did,
(D) Neither went I.
(E) Neither did I.

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38) Mark the correct option.

(A) Beth got married with an American engineer last week.

(B) After 30 minutes standing in line, he was tired of
(C) The disadvantage in having a car is the need with
{D ) During his high school years, he had always been good in
math and chemistry.
(E) There are some differences of living in a house and
living in a flat.

39} Choose the correct option to complete this forum post.

Always hated my nose and finally ______

My "beak-like" nose needed to be shaped, but I was

afraid the surgery would hurt too much. A friend talked me
into _ _ _ _ _ after hearing me complain so many times. If I
had known how easy the recovery was, I would have done it a
long time ago!


(A) it had fixed/getting it done

(B) had fixed it/getting it done
(C) it had fixed/it getting done
(D) had fixed it/it getting done
(E) had it fixed/getting it done

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


40) Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall

' Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken,
my dear? Quite delicious.'
'It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy,' replied
Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do
you have a good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward? Is Mrs.
Horton still there? But she ______ be. She ______ be dead by

(TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld

& Nicolson, 2012 .}

(A) r
might not/can1
(B) can 11 /will
(C) can 11 /must
(D) shouldn't/mustn't
(> shouldn't/can!

41) Which is the correct way to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool

"He thought that if he had the courage to visit the

Long Gallery, the portraits of _ _ _ _ _ ancestors would come
to life in ______ frames. _______ would point ______ fingers
and say: 'We did _ _ _ _ _ duty. We spent the money as .
was meant to be spent [...] ."

{TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld &

Nicolson, 2012 .)

(A) him/its/We/ours/ours/he
(B) him/theirs/They/their/ours/it
(C) her/their/We/ours/our/he
(D) his/their/They/their/our/it
(E) his/its/They/theirs/our/it

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16


42) Mark the only sentence that is correct.

(A) I don't mind doing all the housework.

(B) She suggested to go to a new restaurant on Sunday.
(C) They avoid to go out at night because of the violence.
(D) The children refused making their beds.
(E) He promised not being late next time.

43) Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to prepare yourself for entrance exams

While you are studying for the test, ______ the time to
anticipate what obstacles you might encounter when taking
the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be the
practice tests: ______ which questions trip you up the most.
Then, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up with strategies for handling those minor
issues while you take your exam.


(A) are taking/notice/comes

(B) takes/noticing/coming
(C) take/notice/come
(D) takes/noticing/come
(E) take/noticing/coming

44) Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages

which are related to our first language are . Learning
a completely different writing system is a huge challenge,
but that does not necessarily make a language _ _ _ _ _ _ _
another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is
one language that is ______ language in the world.

(Adapted from www.usingenglish.com)

(A) easier/ more difficult/ harder

(B) the easiest/ more difficult/ harder
(C) as easy as/ the most difficult/ the hardest
(D) easier/ more difficult than/ the hardest
(E) the easiest/ more difficult than/ the harder

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45) Which question word best completes the paragraph below?

So if smoking is so bad for you, ______ is it so hard

to quit? Stopping smoking is difficult for several reasons:
nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological
aspects of smoking and genetic predisposition.

{Adapted from http://www.spine-health,com/wellness/stop-smoking)

(A) what
(B) when
(C) who
(D) whose
CE) why

46) Which is the correct option to complete the dialogue?

What did John tell Mary last Saturday?

John told __________________ the day before.

(A) Mary that he will buy some flowers

(B) her that he had bought some flowers
(C) him that he did buy some flowers
(D) to Mary that he bought some flowers
(E) that he has to buy some flowers

47) Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Peter's got blue eyes, _____ ?

(A) isn't he
(B) does Peter
(C) doesn't he
(D) has Peter
(E) hasn't he

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48) Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.

"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not
_ _ _ _ _ nor ______ . She has not _ _ _ _ _ home yet. I am
sorry. I don't know what to think."

(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part Three: Himmler's

Gas Station. An autobiographical novel in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK.
Author House, 2007, p.40.)

(A) called/wrote/come
{B ) called/wrote/came
(C) call/wrote/came
(D) call/written/came
(E) called/written/come

49) Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?

Surveys have found that even though 80% of smokers

would like to quit smoking, less than five percent are able
to quit on their own ______ the highly addictive properties
of nicotine.


(A) because
(B) due to
(C) moreover
(D) however
(E) instead of

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50) Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice

About six months ago, Google ______ voice typing for

Google Docs on the web ______ you to dictate your text into
a document. Today it's taking this feature a step further by
also allowing you to edit and format your text by voice,
This ______ you can now say things like "select all, "
"align center", "bold", "got to end of line", or "increase
font size" and Google Docs ______ and follow your commands.
You can find a full list of available commands here .


(A) has introduced/to allow/means/understanding

(B) introduces/allowed/meant/has understood
(C) has introduced/to allow/is meaning/understood
{D ) introduced/to allow/means/will understand
(E) introduced/allowed/meant/understand

Prova : Amarela Concurso : CPAEN/16



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