Marinha 2016 Escola Naval Aspirante 2 Dia Prova
Marinha 2016 Escola Naval Aspirante 2 Dia Prova
Marinha 2016 Escola Naval Aspirante 2 Dia Prova
Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes de 01 a 14..
Laivos de memria
como a minha buclica Bom Jardim, juntava-se, naquele
instante, a bela e graciosa enseada Batista das Neves em
Angra dos Reis, como mais tarde se agregaria a histrica
Villegagnon em meio sublime baia de Guanabara.
Ao todo foram seis anos de companheirismo e feliz
convivncia, tanto no Colgio como na Escola Naval. Seis
anos de aprendizagem cientfica, humanstica e, sobretudo,
militar-naval. Seis anos entremeados de aulas, festivais de
provas, prticas esportivas, remo, vela, cabo de guerra,
navegao, marinharia, ordem-unida, atividades extraclasses,
recreativas, culturais e sociais, que deixaram marcas
Estes e tantos outros smbolos, objetos e aconteci
mentos passados desfilam hoje, deliciosa e inexoravelmente
distantes, em meio a saudosos devaneios.
Ainda como alunos do Colgio Naval, os contatos preli
minares com a vida de bordo e as primeiras idas para o mar -
a razo de ser da carreira naval.
Como Aspirantes, derrotas mais longas e as primeiras
descobertas: Santos, Salvador, Recife e Fortaleza!
Fechando o ciclo das Viagens de Instruo, o to
sonhado embarque no Navio-Escola. Viagem maravilhosa! Ns,
da Turma Mguens, Guardas-Marinha de 1967, tivemos a
oportunidade mpar e rara de participar de um cruzeiro ao
redor do mundo em 1968: a Quinta Circum-navegao da Marinha
Aps o regresso, as platinas de Segundo-Tenente, o
primeiro embarque efetivo e o verdadeiro incio da vida
profissional - no meu caso, a bordo do cruzador Tamandar, o
inesquecvel C-12. Era a inevitvel separao da Turma do
CN-62/63 e da EN-64/67.
Novamente um misto de satisfao e ansiedade tomou
conta do corao, agora do jovem Tenente, ao se apresentar
para servir a bordo de um navio de nossa Esquadra. Aps
proveitosos, mas descontrados estgios de instruo como
Aspirante e Guarda-Marinha, quando as responsabilidades eram
restritas a compromissos curriculares, as platinas de
Oficial comeariam, finalmente, a pesar forte em nossos
ombros. Sobre essa transio do status de Guarda-Marinha
para Tenente, o notvel escritor-marinheiro Gasto Penalva
escrevera com muita propriedade: "... a fase inesquecvel
de nosso ofcio. Coincide exatamente com a adolescncia,
primavera da vida. Tudo so flores e iluses... Depois
comeam a despontar as responsabilidades, as agruras de
novos cargos, o acmulo de deveres novos".
E esses novos cargos e deveres novos, que foram se
multiplicando a bordo de velhos e saudosos navios, deixariam
agradveis e duradouras lembranas em nossa memria, Com o
passar dos tempos, inmeros Conveses e Praa d'Armas, hoje
saudosas, foram se incorporando ao acervo
profissional-afetivo de cada um dos integrantes daquela
Turma de Guardas-Marinha de 1967.
A h ! Como gratifleante, ainda que melanclico,
repassar tantas lembranas, tantos termos expressivos, tanta
giria maruja, tantas tradies, fainas e eventos to
intensamente vividos a bordo de inesquecveis e saudosos
E as viagens foram se multiplicando ao longo de bem
aproveitados anos de embarque, de centenas de dias de mar e
de milhares de milhas navegadas em alto mar, singrando as
extensas massas lquidas que formam os grandes oceanos, ou
ao longo das guas costeiras que banham os recortados
litorais, com passagens, visitas e arribadas em um sem
nmero de enseadas, baas, barras, angras, estreitos, furos
e canais espalhados pelos quatro cantos do mundo,
percorridos nem sempre com mares bonanosos e ventos
tranquilos e favorveis.
Inmeros foram tambm os portos e cidades visitadas,
no s no Brasil como no exterior, o que sempre nos
proporciona inestimveis e valiosos conhecimentos,
principalmente graas ao contato com povos diferentes e at
mesmo de culturas exticas e hbitos s vezes totalmente
diversos dos nossos, como os ribeirinhos amazonenses ou os
criadores de serpentes da antiga Taprobana, ex-Ceilo e hoje
Siri Lanka .
Como foi fascinante e delicioso navegar por todos esses
cantos. Cada novo mar percorrido, cada nova enseada,
estreito ou porto visitado tinha sempre um gosto especial de
descoberta... Sim, pois, como dizia Cmara Cascudo, "o mar
no guarda os vestgios das quilhas que o atravessam. Cada
marinheiro tem a iluso cordial do descobrimento.
1) Marque a opo em que a reescritura do trecho "Meu mundo de
ento se tornara pequeno demais para as minhas aspiraes"
(2 ) mantm seu sentido original e respeita a norma
(A) Nobre/til.
(B) Bela/nobre.
(C) Difcil/rdua.
(D) Sacrifcios/bela.
(E) rdua/sacrifcios.
4) Em que opo o plural do substantivo composto segue a mesma
regra de flexo do termo destacado em o to sonhado
embarque no Navio-Escola.11 (11)?
(A) catacrese.
(B) eufemismo.
(C) hiprbole,
(D) prosopopeia.
(E) paradoxo.
7} Leia o trecho a seguir:
(A) elipse.
(B) sequenciao.
(C) substituio,
(D) referenciao.
(E) paralelismo.
9) Assinale a opo em que o comentrio sobre o fragmento
"Novamente um misto de satisfao e ansiedade tomou conta do
corao, agora do jovem Tenente (13) est correto,
12) Leia o trecho:
(A) Implacavelmente.
{B ) Instigantemente.
(C) Incontavelmente
(D) Interiormente.
(E) Incomumente.
14) Observe o elemento coesivo destacado no trecho a seguir.
Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes de 15 a 20.
Alis, o instante do afundamento de um navio um
momento crucial para a sobrevivncia daqueles tripulantes
que conseguem saltar ou so jogados ao mar, pois o efeito da
suco pode arrastar para o fundo os tripulantes que
estiverem nas proximidades do navio no momento da submerso.
Por sua vez, os nufragos podem permanecer dias, semanas em
suas balsas deriva, em um mar batido pela ao de ventos,
continuamente borrifadas pelas guas salgadas, sofrendo o
calor tropical escaldante ou o frio intenso das altas
latitudes, como nos mares rtico, do Norte ou Bltico, cujas
baixas temperaturas dos tempos invernais limitam cabalmente
o tempo de permanncia n 'gua dos nufragos, tornando
fundamental para a sua sobrevivncia a rapidez do socorro
0 navio tambm um engenho de guerra singular. Ao
mesmo tempo morada e local de trabalho do marinheiro, graas
sua mobilidade, tem a capacidade de conduzir homens e
armas at o cenrio da guerra. Plataforma blica plena e
integral, engaja batalhas, sofre derrotas, naufraga ou
conquista vitrias, tornando-se quase sempre objeto
inesquecvel da histria de sua marinha e pas.
16) Leia o trecho a seguir:
(A) Comparao.
(B) Generalizao.
(C) Explicao.
(D) Exemplificao.
(E) Confirmao.
18) Considerando a regncia, assinale a opo em que a troca da
preposio NO altera a relao de sentido estabelecida
entre os termos.
20) Assinale a opo em que o comentrio sobre o emprego do
sinal de pontuao est correto.
Based on the text below, answer questions 21, 22 and 23.
(I) _____
A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base Kitsap-
Bangor reported seeing the drone, spokeswoman Silvia Klatman
According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone
above the base without the permission of the Navy. "It's our
intent to support the investigation and prosecution of this
reported act, and any others that may occur, in coordination
with civilian law enforcement," Klatman said. reported that agents interviewed families
who lived in houses surrounding the base. (II) _______
Officials said the drones were seen operating at night. "It
could be a hoax, but worst-case scenario, it could be
clandestine, a foreign government, a cell," A1 Starcevich,
whose family's house is located between the base and Hood
Canal in Washington, told the website. "The creepy thing is
they1re only doing it at night. (Ill) ______ "
Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him
there had been repeated incidents around the base involving
an alleged drone.
Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor's airspace was designated as
"prohibited" by the FAA in May 2005, at the request of the
Navy. (IV) ______ The prohibited area extends to the water
across Hood Canal and the Navy-owned portion of Toandos
Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at
Bremerton National Airport, said security forces are
supposed to shoot down aircraft that violate the FAA riiles.
The Bangor base houses eight of the Navy's 14
ballistic-missile submarines, according to Military,com.
Each can carry up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear
The Defense Department has held countless classified
exercises to counter possible drone attacks, The Seattle
Times reported. Last year, one exercise included a Marine
sniper shooting one down from a military helicopter,
22) The sentences below have been removed from the text and
replaced by (I), (II), (III) and (IV). Number them to
indicate the order they must appear to complete the text
correctly. Then choose the option that contains that
23) According to the text, it is right to say that
Based on the text below,, answer question 24.
Admissions Information
United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings,
lasting approximately one hour, are held at 10:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on the second deck of
the Visitor Center.
24} According to the text, which statement is correct?
Based on the text below, answer questions 25 and 26.
By Richard A. Staehler, MD
The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for
patients with pain and sleep difficulty. Many other factors
need to be considered that may affect sleep, including;
25) Which option expresses a recommendation?
(A) "The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor
for patients with pain and sleep difficulty."
(B) "Many other factors need to be considered that may
affect sleep [...] ."
(C) " it is advisable for the patient to consult his or
her family physician ,"
(D) "If anyone experiences significant or persistent back
pain ."
(E) " sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of
personal preference."
(A) only.
(B) mainly.
(C) nearly.
(D ) lately.
(E ) quickly.
Based on the text below, answer questions 27, 28 and 29.
When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian
rhythm makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough
to get the requisite number of hours and still make it to
school on time. A teenagers sleep-wake cycle can shift as
much as two hours, making it difficult to fall asleep before
11 p.m. If school starts at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to
get enough sleep. Based on biological sleep needs, a
teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m, should be getting up
around 8 a.m.
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are
myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep
time, like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A
stream of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook
and Instagram keep many awake long into the night.
Parents should consider instituting an electronic
curfew and perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in
the bedroom, D r . Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many
teenagers lead overscheduled lives that can lead to short
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and
minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and
safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful
sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for
sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an
adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag.
Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock,
making it even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake
up on time for school Monday morning.
(A) Teenagers.
(B) Minority families.
(C) Safety concerns.
(D) Weekends,
(E) Parents.
28) Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.
(A) restrict/device
(B) restrict/limit
(C) restrict/delay
(D) encourage/device
(E) encourage/delay
30) Which option best completes the paragraph below?
Eat healthy
32) Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?
(A) for
(B) up
(C) to
{D ) after
(E) into
Electric Bikes
34) Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?
(A) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet
surely survives.
(B) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press
Control-Power button.
(C) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave
(D) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize
how special you are.
(E) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stop
all contact with my boyfriend.
International Congress
(A) in/in/at
(B) on/in/under
(C) at/at/under
(D) at/in/from
(E) in/at/from
36) What is the correct option to complete the text below?
(A) an/-/the/-/an
(B) the/the/the/the/a
(C) the/a/the/the/a
(D) an/the/-/the/a
(E) the/the/the/the/an
(A) So I did.
(B) So did I .
(C) Nor I did,
(D) Neither went I.
(E) Neither did I.
38) Mark the correct option.
40) Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?
' Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken,
my dear? Quite delicious.'
'It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy,' replied
Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do
you have a good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward? Is Mrs.
Horton still there? But she ______ be. She ______ be dead by
(A) r
might not/can1
(B) can 11 /will
(C) can 11 /must
(D) shouldn't/mustn't
(> shouldn't/can!
(A) him/its/We/ours/ours/he
(B) him/theirs/They/their/ours/it
(C) her/their/We/ours/our/he
(D) his/their/They/their/our/it
(E) his/its/They/theirs/our/it
42) Mark the only sentence that is correct.
While you are studying for the test, ______ the time to
anticipate what obstacles you might encounter when taking
the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be the
practice tests: ______ which questions trip you up the most.
Then, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up with strategies for handling those minor
issues while you take your exam.
45) Which question word best completes the paragraph below?
(A) what
(B) when
(C) who
(D) whose
CE) why
(A) isn't he
(B) does Peter
(C) doesn't he
(D) has Peter
(E) hasn't he
48) Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.
(A) called/wrote/come
{B ) called/wrote/came
(C) call/wrote/came
(D) call/written/came
(E) called/written/come
(A) because
(B) due to
(C) moreover
(D) however
(E) instead of
50) Which is the correct way to complete the text below?
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